There’s no ant-iquated humor here – only the latest funny ant jokes and puns!
Our favorite ant fact is that an ant can lift over 20 times it’s own body strength – imagine being that strong! Well, we’ve done all the heavy lifting for you here and while we expect the ant-icipation has been killing you, worry not, brecause here are all our favorite hilarious ant jokes and puns! Enjoy them, they’re excell-ant!
1. Why was the baby ant confused?
Because all his uncles were ants.
2. What do you call a really happy ant?
3. What do you call an ant who won’t go away?
4. How many ants are needed to fill an apartment?
5. What do you call an ant who can see into the future?
6. How can you tell the sex of an ant?
By dropping it in a bowl of water.
If it sinks: girl ant.
If it floats: boy ant.
7. What medicine do you give to sick ants?
8. What do you call a greedy ant?
An anteater.
9. What are ants made of?
10. What do you call an ant who likes to be alone?
11. What do you call an ant who skips school?
A truant.
12. What do you call an ant with 5 pairs of eyes?
13. What do you call an ant from overseas?
14. What do you call an ant who joins the army?
15. Where do ants go on vacation?
Frants (or Antigua).
16. What do you call an ant who can’t speak?
A mute ant.
17. What do you call a well-dressed ant?
18. What do you call a luxurious ant?
19. What is the biggest ant in the world?
An elephant.
20. What do you call an alert ant?
21. What do you call a nervous baby ant?
A little antsy.
22. What do you call an ant that doesn’t get warm?
23. What do you call a clever ant?
24. What do you get when you cross ants with ticks?
All sorts of antics.
25. Why don’t anteaters get sick?
Because they’re full of antibodies.
26. What do you call an ant running away with another ant?
27. What do you call a 100 year old ant?
An ant-ique.
28. What kind of ant is good at math?
An account-ant.
29. What do you call an ant who doesn’t smell anymore?
30. What do you call an and with frogs legs?
An antphibian.
31. What do you can an ant scientist?
Albert Antstein.
32. What do you call a poor ant?
A peas-ant.
33. What do you call for injured ants?
The ant-bulance.
34. What do you call an ant that moves to another country?
An emigr-ant.
35. What do you call an ant that doesn’t sink?
36. What do you call an ant with big hair?
37. What do you call an ant with five pairs of eyes?
38. What do you call an insect that can’t drink milk?
Lactose intoler-ant.
39. Why do ants work so hard?
They are all servants.
40. Who is the most famous French ant?
41. What do you call an ant with frogs legs?
An antphibian.
42. What do you call an ant with no musical talent?
43. What do you call an extra large ant?
A giant.
44. What do you call an ant from overseas?
45. An ant colony enthusiast goes to an insect convention one day.
His pride and joy is a colony of giant Amazonian ants which he brings along with him to show off at the convention.
But when he gets to the convention entrance, one of the organizers stops him and points to a sign on the wall.
The sign reads, “All ants must be no more than 1 cm in total height.”
The man tries to argue his case. “Look, I’ve come all this way just to show these off, they’re extremely rare and I’ve worked my whole life to raise them. Please, can’t you just make this one exception?”
The organizer replies, “I’m sorry, sir, we have a no taller ants policy.”
46. What did the father ant say to his son when they moved from America to France?
Son, we are now Europeants.
47. Why did the ant name its middle segment “Stormbreaker”?
Because that was its Thor axe.
48. What part of an ant loves to play tic tac toe?
The X O skeleton.
49. Did you hear about the ant who stored his food inside a keyboard?
He’s got everything under CTRL.
50. An ant gets a job at Starbucks.
That’s it, that’s the ant-hire joke.
51. One of the ants on my ant farm dresses up as a clown to cheer up his friends.
He’s an anti-depress ant.
52. What do you call the ant that keeps track of all the food in a colony?
A count ant.
53. I was constantly praised and flattered by a colony of ants.
It turns out that they were sycophants.
54. What’s the opposite of a fire ant?
A fire resist-ant.
55. Billy was a golfer who had a little trouble connecting with the ball.
On one tee, he happened to put the ball next to an anthill. And when he took his first swing, he missed the ball and hit the anthill, sending a few hundred ants flying.
Then he took a second swing and, again, he missed and hit the anthill.
As he wound up for a third try, one ant said to the other, “You know, it’s about time we got on the ball”.
More Funny Animal Jokes
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