They say size isn’t everything and you know what? They’re right, as shown be these super short riddles! They may be short but that doesn’t mean they’re easy. Give your brain a workout now and see how well you do! The answers are at the bottom of the page.

Short Riddles
Have fun with these short riddles. How many can you get right?
1. What goes up when the rain comes down?
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An umbrella.
2. What’s full of holes but still holds water?
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A sponge.
3. Where is the only place that yesterday always comes after today?
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In a dictionary.
4. What do you bury when it’s alive and dig up when it’s dead?
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A plant.
5. What can you see in the middle of March and April that you can never see in any other month?
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The letter R.
6. What do you answer even though it never asks you questions?
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A phone or a doorbell.
7. I am a word with letters three. Add two more and less there will be. What word am I?
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8. What word is always pronounced incorrectly?
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9. What can you not keep until you give it?
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Your word or a promise..
10. Which was the first planet to be discovered by man?
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11. What goes up and down the stairs without moving?
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12. What has one head, four legs, and one foot?
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A bed.
13. What is there one of in every corner and two of in every room?
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The letter O.
14. What grows up while growing down?
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A duck or goose.
15. What can’t you see that is always ahead of you?
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The future.
16. What can you fill with empty hands?
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17. What time of day is spelled the same forwards and backwards?
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18. What word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
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19. What’s black when it’s clean and white when it’s dirty?
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A blackboard.
20. Who has married many women but never wed?
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A priest.
21. Why was the picture sent to jail?
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Because it was framed.
22. My head is red but turns black when you scratch it. What am I?
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A match.
23. What runs around the yard without moving?
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A fence.
24. What is made of water but if you put it into water it will die?
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An ice cube.
25. What loses its head in the morning but gets it back at night?
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A pillow.
26. What is deaf, dumb and blind but always tells the truth?
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A mirror.
27. During which month do people sleep the least?
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February (there are fewer nights in February).
28. What clothes does a house wear?
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29. What can go through glass without breaking it?
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More Riddles
Congratulations if you solved these super short riddles; you must be a real smarty pants!
Whether you solved them all or not, why not check out our other riddles and brainteasers too, including our bumper riddles collection, as well as these: