How Many Of Our Easy Trivia Quiz Questions Can You Answer?
We’ve posted some pretty tough trivia questions in the past, so we thought you might like a little respite in the form of some relatively easy trivia questions and answers.
And to that end, we’ve put together this collection of questions that most people should be able to do relatively well on. If you can, take them on with your friends and family to add to the fun, and remember that quizzing is good for the brain!
So good luck with these simple trivia questions.
Easy Quiz Questions
1. Which fictional city is the home of Batman?
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Gotham City.
2. In which sport would you perform the Fosbury Flop?
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The high jump.
3. Spinach is high in which mineral?
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4. What is a Geiger Counter used to detect?
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5. Which type of dog has breeds called Scottish, Welsh and Irish?
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6. Babe Ruth is associated with which sport?
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7. Who was known as the Maid of Orleans?
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Joan of Arc.
8. In the film Babe, what type of animal was Babe?
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A pig.
9. What was Mohammed Ali’s birth name?
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Cassius Clay.
10. Which Roman emperor supposedly fiddled while Rome burned?
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11. Which crime-fighting cartoon dog has the initals “S.D.” on his collar?
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Scooby Doo.
12. What’s the total number of dots on a pair of dice?
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13. Traditionally, how many Wonders of the World are there?
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14. Which planet is the closest to Earth?
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15. According to the old proverb, to which European capital city do all roads lead?
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16. On which mountain did Moses receive the Ten Commandments?
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Mount Sinai.
17. Which is the tallest mammal?
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The giraffe.
18. Which sign of the zodiac is represented by the ram?
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19. Mount Everest is found in which mountain range?
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The Himalayas.
20. What is the name of the fairy in Peter Pan?
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21. Who directed the movie Jaws?
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Steven Spielberg.
22. How many strings does a violin have?
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23. What was the Hunchback of Notre Dame’s name?
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24. What color is the circle on the Japanese national flag?
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25. In the cartoon world, who has a cousin called Slowpoke Rodriguez?
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Speedy Gonzalez.
26. What is the chemical symbol for Hydrogen?
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27. In the phonetic alphabet, the letter Q is represented by which Canadian city?
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28. In Greek mythology, who turned all that he touched into gold?
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29. Who is the author of the “Harry Potter” books?
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J. K. Rowling.
30. How many sides does an octagon have?
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31. Which part of the body would a chiropodist treat?
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The feet.
32. What is the name of the city where the cartoon family The Simpsons live?
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33. The title role of the 1990 movie “Pretty Woman” was played by which actress?
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Julia Roberts.
34. How many years are there in a bicentennial?
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200 years.
35. In 1969, who became the first man to step on the moon?
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Neil Armstrong.
36. Not counting jokers, how many cards are there in a standard deck of playing cards?
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52 cards.
37. The hammer, the stirrup and the anvil are all bones in which part of the human body?
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The ear.
38. Which actor voiced the character Woody in the Toy Story movies?
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Tom Hanks.
39. Which fictional detective lived at 221B Baker Street, London?
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Sherlock Holmes.
40. Which Italian artist painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican?
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Easy Trivia Questions
If you enjoyed these easy trivia questions and now you’re looking for a bit more of a challenge, check out the rest of our trivia questions and answers pages, including these: