Animal Trivia Questions And Answers

Are you an animal lover? Do you think you’re pretty clued up when it comes to the natural world? Do you knows your pangolin from your armadillo? Then give these animal trivia questions and answers a try and see how you do. Will you be the king of the trivia jungle? Find out now. The quiz answers are at the bottom of the page.

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A selection of testing animal trivia questions to give your brain a workout

Animal Trivia Questions

How many of our animal trivia questions can you answer correctly? Good luck!

1. What is the collective name for a group of lions?

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A pride.

2. What are the only two mammals that lay eggs?

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The spiny anteater and the duck billed platypus.

3. What kind of animal is a Komodo dragon?

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A lizard.

4. Which bird has the largest wingspan of any living bird?

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The wandering albatross.

5. Which is the fastest land animal?

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The cheetah.

6. True or false – the python is a poisonous snake?

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7. What type of animal is a Mexican hairless?

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A dog.

8. What kind of creature is a Portuguese man o’ war?

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A jellyfish.

9. How many legs does a lobster have?

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10. What type of animal is a Flemish giant?

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A rabbit.

11. Which creatures produce gossamer?

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12. From which animal is mohair obtained?

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The angora goat.

13. What is a male swan called?

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A cob.

14. Whereabouts do demersal fish live in the sea – near the top, near the middle or near the bottom?

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Near the bottom.

15. How many arms do most starfish have?

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16. Which large mammal’s tail is so strong it can stand on it and lift its hind legs off the ground?

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The kangaroo.

17. What is a cabbage white?

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A butterfly.

18. What is the natural habitat of arboreal animals?

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In or among trees.

19. What is the scientific name for the trunk of an elephant?

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20. Which ape gets its name from the Malay word meaning “man of the forest”?

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The orangutan.

21. What type of animal is an impala?

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An antelope.

22. How is the domestic cavy better known?

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As the guinea pig.

23. What are the male honey bees called that are the only members of the colony allowed to mate with the queen?

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24. Which adjective is used to describe a horse with two different colored patches, usually black and white?

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25. Which is the largest mammal in the world?

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The blue whale.

26. How many humps does a bactrian camel have?

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27. What type of animal is a basenji?

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A hunting dog.

28. Which is the largest living bird?

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The ostrich.

29. Which animal’s name comes from the ancient Greek for “Horse of the river”?

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The hippopotamus.

30. What kind of animal is a karakul?

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A sheep.

31. Leveret is the name given to the babies of which animal?

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The hare.

32. “Murder” is the collective noun for a group of which bird?

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33. What is the heaviest species of monkey?

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The mandrill.

34. A parliament is the name given to a group of which bird?

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The owl.

35. The Saint Helena is the largest species of which order of insects?

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36. Camelopard is an old English name for which animal?

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The giraffe.

37. Pyrenean, fainting and alpine are all breeds of which animal?

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The goat.

38. What name is given to a female deer?

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39. How many compartments does a cow’s stomach have?

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40. What type of feet does a palmiped bird have?

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Webbed feet.

41. Flittermouse is an old English name for which mammal?

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The bat.

42. What name is given to the offspring of a male lion and a female tiger?

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