When it comes to riddles for kids What Am I riddles are always popular. Here is a great collection to test your brain and logical thinking!
There are many different types of brain teasers and riddles, but one of our favorites here at LaffGaff are What Am I riddles. Maybe it’s because they bring back nostalgic memories of when we were little. Whatever the reason, we love them and so we’ve put together this collection of the best examples. Some are hard, some are easy, so there is something suitable for everyone of all levels. Enjoy!

20 What Am I Riddles With Answers
These 20 What Am I questions are sure to test your brain. Good luck!
1. I sound like one letter but I’m written with three. I show you things when you look through me.
What am I?
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An eye.
2. I have a bed but I never sleep. I have a mouth but I never speak.
What am I?
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A river.
3. Forwards I am heavy, I sure weigh a lot. But when I’m backwards, I certainly am not.
What am I?
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A ton.
4. I can be cracked and I can be played. I can be told and I can be made.
What am I?
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A joke.
5. I have a head and a tail that will never meet. Having too many of me is always a treat.
What am I?
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A coin.
6. I help you from your head to your toe. The more I work, the smaller I grow.
What am I?
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A bar of soap.
7. I have two main bodies and I’m turned all about. When I’m standing still, time will run out.
What am I?
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An hourglass.
8. A seed with three letters in my name. Take away two and I still sound the same.
What am I?
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A pea.
9. I may have eyes but I don’t use them to see. I live in the dark until you have need of me.
What am I?
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A potato.
10. I don’t have eyes but once I did see. Once I had thoughts, but now I’m empty.
What am I?
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A skull.
11. Tall when I’m young and short when I’m old, I’ll help you to see when the darkness unfolds.
What am I?
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A candle.
12. I can never be thrown but I can be caught. Ways to lose me are always being sought.
What am I?
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A cold.
13. I have many teeth but I cannot bite. I’m often used early but rarely at night.
What am I?
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A comb.
14. I’m at the start of the end, and the end of every place. I’m the beginning of eternity, and the end of time and space.
What am I?
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The letter E.
15. After a fall, you’ll always find me there. What once was alive, will now be bare.
What am I?
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16. I am something that no man ever did see, I never was but am always to be.
What am I?
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17. What brute strength struggles to get through, I make it easy for you to undo.
What am I?
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A key.
18. Each and every one that you take, you leave yet another in your wake.
What am I?
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19. Though sometimes I am made of purest gold, I cannot be bought and I cannot be sold.
What am I?
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A heart.
20. An instrument through which sounds are made, and yet, not something that can be played.
What am I?
Show answer
Your voice.
More Free Riddles
Did our What Am I questions have you stumped? Were they too hard or maybe even too easy and you knew all the answers? No matter how you did, we hope you had fun with them.
If you did enjoy our What Am I riddles, be sure to check out all our other riddles and brain teasers too, including these:
- Bumper Riddles Collection.
- Christmas Riddles.
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- Cryptic Christmas Carol Riddles.
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- Easy Riddles For Kids.
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- Hard Riddles.
- Math Riddles.
- Short Riddles.
- Thanksgiving Riddles For Kids.
- The Best Riddler Riddles.
- Tricky Riddles For Adults & Teens.
- Valentine’s Day Riddles.