Cat Riddles With Answers

These fun cat riddles and answers are purr-fect for passing the time if you’re feline a little bored! So don’t paws – try them now!

Fun Cat Riddles

I have a head like a cat and feet like a cat, but I am not a cat. What am I?

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A kitten.

Which side of a cat has the most fur?

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The outside.

How does a cat stop a video?

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They press the paws button.

When is it bad luck to see a black cat?

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When you are a mouse.

A man has to take a dog a cat and a mouse across a river on a boat, he can only take one animal across at a time. If he takes the dog the cat will eat the mouse, if he takes mouse the dog will eat the cat. How does he get the three animals across the river?

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First he takes the cat over, then he goes back and takes the mouse over, he then takes the cat back with him and swaps it for the dog. This leaves the dog and mouse together (the dog won’t eat the mouse) while he goes to get the cat.

In a square room there is a cat in every corner. There are three cats in front of each cat. How many cats are in the room?

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There are 4 cats inside the square room.

What does a cat have that no other animal has?

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Susan loves cats and has some as pets. All but two of them are completely white. All but two of them are completely black. All but two of them are completely brown. How many cats does Susan have?

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She has 3 cats – 1 white, 1 black, 1 brown.

All of Mr. Jones’ pets are dogs except one, and all his pets are cats except one. How many cats and dogs does he have?

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One cat and one dog.

A girl, a horse and a cat came to a bridge. The girl rode her horse over the bridge, yet walked. How is this possible?

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The cat’s name is Yet.

Why is green grass like a mouse?

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Because the cattle eat it (cat’ll eat it).

Why do cats make good soldiers?

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Because they have nine lives.

What do you get when you cross a black cat and a lemon?

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A sour puss.

Two cats are sitting on a windowsill, a big cat and a little cat. The little cat is the son of the big cat, but the big cat is not the father of the little cat. How is this possible?

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The big cat is the little cat’s mother.

Who brings cats their presents at Christmas?

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Santa Claws.

What is 3/7 chicken, 2/3 cat and 1/2 goat?

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Chicago (Chi – ca – go).

What do cats call mice on a skateboard?

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Meals on wheels.

Why didn’t the cat want to speak about his problems?

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Because it’s purr-sonal information!

While on my way to St. Ives, I saw a man with 7 wives. Each wife had 7 sacks. Each sack had 7 cats. Each cat had 7 kittens. Kitten, cats, sacks, wives, How many were going to St. Ives?

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Just one – me.

Why was the big cat thrown out of the card game?

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Because he was a cheetah.

I have just one, but with eight to spare, I am usually friendly, but I sometimes act like I don’t care. What am I?

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A cat (with nine lives).

What is the difference between a cat and a comma?

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A cat has claws at the end of its paws but a comma has a pause at the end of its clause.

A cat sniffed some catnip across the far side of the river and managed to cross the river without getting wet and without using a bridge or boat. How?

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The river was frozen.

What do you call a cat that gets anything it wants?

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How far can a cat run into the woods?

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Half way. If they run any further, they’ll be running out of the woods, not into it.

What do you get if you cross a cat with a tree?

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A cat-a-logue.

A cat can jump 5 feet high but can’t jump through a window that is 3 feet high. Why not?

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Because the window is closed.

What do you get when you cross a ghost and a cat?

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A scaredy cat.

My first is in chocolate but not in ham, my second’s in cake and also in jam, my third at tea-time is easily found, my whole is a friend who’s often around. What am I?

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A cat.

What do you get if you cross cat with an elephant?

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A flat cat.

What is a cat’s favorite breakfast?

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Mice krispies.

What is it called when a cat wins a dog show?

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A cat-has-trophy.

What do you call a feline on ice?

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A cool cat.

Why was the cat arrested by the police?

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They were suspected of a feline-y.

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Riddles About Cats

If you enjoyed these riddles about cats, be sure to take a look around the rest of LaffGaff for lots more fun riddles and jokes, such as these: