Pirate Riddles And Answers

Arr, matey, feast yer eyes on these bootiful pirate riddles with answers! They’re sure to have you hooked so see how many you can answer now! And don’t forget to check out our hilarious pirate jokes and puns too!

Pirate Riddles

How do you make a pirate angry?

Show answer

Take away the “p” and he becomes irate.

How do pirate captains talk to each other?

Show answer

Aye to aye.

What did the pirate say on his 80th birthday?

Show answer

Arrgh! Aye Matey! (Arrgh! I’m 80!)

Why don’t pirates shower before walking the plank?

Show answer

Because they’re just going to wash up on shore later.

Why couldn’t the pirate play cards?

Show answer

Because he was standing on the deck.

What do you call a pirate that skips class?

Show answer

Captain Hooky.

Where do you take a sick pirate ship?

Show answer

To the dock.

Why can’t a pirate ever finish the alphabet?

Show answer

Because he always gets lost at sea.

What’s a pirate’s favorite letter in the alphabet?

Show answer

Arr, matey.

What’s a pirate’s favorite basketball move?

Show answer

The hook shot.

What wears an eye patch and robs ships at night?

Show answer

A vampirate.

Why are pirates pirates?

Show answer

Because they just Arrrrr.

Where do pirates store their gym clothes?

Show answer

Davy Jones’ locker.

Which Star Wars character do pirates like the most?

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Where can you find a pirate’s bathroom?

Show answer

The poop deck.

What did the pirate say during the winter storm?

Show answer

Thar she snows.

Where do pirates keep their cookies?

Show answer

The cookie jarrrrr.

Why did the pirate give his ship a coat of paint?

Show answer

Its timbers were shivering.

What do pirates put on their toast?

Show answer

Jelly Roger.

Why couldn’t the little pirate get in to the pirate movie?

Show answer

It was rated “Aarrrrr.”

What’s a pirate’s favorite movie?

Show answer

Booty and the Beast.

What is a pirate’s favorite subject in school?

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What do pirates use to blow their noses?

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Why can’t you take a picture of a pirate with a wooden leg?

Show answer

Because a wooden leg doesn’t take pictures.

What has eight legs, eight hands and eight eyes?

Show answer

Eight pirates.

Why are pirates such good fishermen?

Show answer

They have the best hooks.

What kind of makeup do pirate girls wear?

Show answer

Ship gloss.

What happened to the pirate ship that sank in the sea full of sharks?

Show answer

It came back with a skeleton crew.

Why did the pirate buy his earring at the dollar store?

Show answer

He only wanted to pay a buck an ear.

Why didn’t the pirate’s phone work?

Show answer

Because he left it off the hook.

What does a dyslexic pirate say?

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What do you call a pirate with two eyes and two legs?

Show answer

A rookie.

Why are pirates great singers?

Show answer

They can hit the high C’s.

How do you save a drowning pirate?

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What grades did the pirate get in school?

Show answer

High C’s.

What is a pirate’s favorite country?

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Which fish do pirates love the most?

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What kind of diets do pirates go on?

Show answer

Low carrrrrb.

What are pirates afraid of?

Show answer

The darrrrrk.

Why did the pirate go on vacation?

Show answer

For arrrrrgh and arrrrrgh.

How did the pirate stop computer hackers?

Show answer

He installed a patch.

What kind of socks does a pirate wear?

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What musical instruments do pirates play?

Show answer

The guitarrrrrr.

What exercise do pirates use to tighten their abs?

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Where do pirates put their trash?

Show answer

The garrrrrbage can.

Why don’t pirates like to play golf?

Show answer

They keep hooking the ball.

Where do pirates park their ships?

Show answer

In the harrrbor.

Where do pirates go for their haircuts?

Show answer

To the barrrrber.

What’s a pirate’s favorite doll?

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What do pirates think happens at the end of time?

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What game did the pirate’s parrot always want to play?

Show answer

Hide and speak.

What style of food do pirates like the most?

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How do pirates make their money?

Show answer

By hook or by crook.

What do pirates do for fun?

Show answer

Have parrrties.

Why was the pirate afraid of getting old?

Show answer

He might get arrrrthritus.

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Riddles About Pirates

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