Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. And these fun soccer riddles are sure to be popular too! So give them a try now and see how many you can get.

Funny Soccer Riddles For Kids
Why is it so hot after a soccer match?
Show answer
Because there aren’t any fans.
What do you call a woman stood between two soccer goal posts?
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Why are soccer players so good at math?
Show answer
Because they know how to use their heads.
Why did the soccer coach give all his players lighters?
Show answer
Because they lost all their matches.
What do soccer referees send during the holiday season?
Show answer
Yellow cards.
Why was the soccer pitch so wet?
Show answer
Because the players dribbled all over it.
What position does a ghost play in a soccer game?
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What kind of tea do soccer players drink?
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Why did Cinderella get kicked off the soccer team?
Show answer
Because she ran away from the ball.
Why did the soccer player bring string to the game?
Show answer
So he could tie the score.
Why didn’t the dog want to play soccer?
Show answer
He was a boxer.
Where’s the best place to shop for a soccer shirt?
Show answer
New Jersey.
Why did the soccer ball quit the team?
Show answer
It was tired of being kicked around.
How do birds cheer for their favorite soccer team?
Show answer
They egg them on.
What lights up a soccer stadium?
Show answer
A soccer match.
Which soccer player takes the goal home after every game?
Show answer
The goalkeeper.
What runs around a soccer field but doesn’t move?
Show answer
A fence.
Which soccer players can jump higher than the crossbar?
Show answer
All of them. The crossbar can’t jump.
How did the soccer fan know before the game that the score would be 0-0?
Show answer
The score’s always 0-0 before the game.
What do you call a T-Rex who gets a goal?
Show answer
A dino-score.
Where do soccer players dance?
Show answer
At a soccer ball.
More Fun Riddles
If you enjoyed our fun soccer riddles, check out the rest of our riddles and brainteasers and other soccer fun too, including these: