New Stairlift

I asked my grandmother how she’s enjoying her new stairlift.

She said, “It’s driving me up the wall.”

Breast Pump

My wife won’t stop complaining about how long she spends breast-pumping for our new son.

She’s really milking it for all it’s worth.


There’s a new reality show where flat-earthers are trying to find the edge of the world.

They’ll be so disappointed when the finale is not a cliffhanger.

Dangerous Music

A new study reveals that listening to a Queen album might be bad for your health.

Because of the unusually high Mercury content.

Exotic Food

A new restaurant has opened in my town, serving the meat of exotic animals.

I just had the pelican.

It was delicious but the bill was enormous.

New Job

I’ve just got a new job as senior director at Old MacDonald’s farm.

I’m the CIEIO.

Personal Best!

I just got a new personal best in the 100 meter sprint!

73 meters.

Cutting Edge

I bought a new shrub trimmer today…

It’s cutting hedge technology.

Russian Website

Russia has started a new website that tracks down and deletes pirated movies.


Watch It!

Why is everyone obsessed with that new horror movie?

Like, I was driving today and this is the third time someone has rolled down their window and yelled to me, “Hey! Watch It!”

Not Another Dinner Date

My girlfriend and I went on our 9th date to see the new Batman film.

Our dates can be summarized as follows: Dinner, dinner, dinner, dinner, dinner, dinner, dinner, dinner, BATMAN!

I Was Feeling Bad

I was feeling bad about the future today, but then I installed the new version of Office.

It improved my outlook.

Thanks, Dad!

A father in Iraq gave his daughter a new bag.

She said, “Thanks for the Baghdad.”

Carnival Game

Have you seen that weird new Mexican carnival game where groundhogs pop out of holes and you have to smear them with avocado?

It’s called guac-a-mole.

Plastic Surgery Addicts Anonymous

“Hello everyone, and welcome to Plastic Surgery Addicts Anonymous. I see a lot of new faces here tonight, and I have to say I’m pretty disappointed.”

NASA’s New Slogan

Did you hear what NASA’s new slogan is going to be when their budget is cut?

“The sky’s the limit”.

Want To Be A Millionaire

I told my new girlfriend that I want to be a millionaire like my Dad.

She said, “Wow, your Dad’s a millionaire?”

I said, “No, but he wants to be.”

If Anything Ever Happens

My girlfriend said to me the other day, “If anything ever happens to me, I want you to meet someone new.”

Apparently, getting stuck in traffic doesn’t count as “anything”.

New Girlfriend

I introduced my new girlfriend to my family today.

My kids liked her, but my wife seemed kind of mad.


My girlfriend lost all her hair during chemotherapy and she was crying for hours.

I said, “Why are you so upset? It’s just hair. I’m the one who’s got to find a new girlfriend.”

New Car

My boss pulled up to work in a beautiful new top-of-the-range car today.

I complimented him on it and he said to me, “Well, if you get your head down and work hard, set goals and stay committed to them, be determined and work long hours….

Maybe next year I can get an even better one.”

New School

A young boy was struggling in school with math.

His parents weren’t religious at all but a friend suggested to them that a Catholic school might be more effective in teaching their son so they decided to move him to a new school.

After the switch, his grades improved dramatically. His parents asked the boy what had helped him so much.

He said, “When I saw the guy nailed to the big plus sign I knew they meant business.”

Fitness App

I entered what I ate today into my new fitness app on my phone.

It sent an ambulance to my house.

iPod Name

I bought a new iPod the other day and I’ve called it “The Titanic.”

Now when I plug it into my laptop it says, “The Titanic is syncing.”

Learn From Your Mistakes

My Mom learns something new from me every day.

She thinks it’s important to learn from your mistakes.

New Haribo Sweets

I’m really disappointed with the new Haribo Star Wars sweets collection.

They’re all chewy.

No Control And No Escape

I can’t see an end.

I have no control and I don’t think there’s any escape – I don’t even have a home anymore.

Definitely time for a new keyboard.

If I Won The Lottery

My wife said to me, “If you won the lottery, would you leave me?”

I said, “Of course not. I’d need someone to do my new girlfriend’s laundry.”

Invented A New Golf Ball

I’ve invented a new golf ball that will automatically go in the hole if it gets within 4 inches.

Do NOT carry them in your back pocket.