No Canaries

Did you know that there are no canaries in the Canary Islands?

And the same thing applies to the Virgin Islands.

There are no canaries there either.

Straw User

I told my friend that he really shouldn’t be using a straw and he replied, “Yeah, I know, I know, it’s bad for the environment.”

I said, “Sure, there’s that…”

“But it’s just a really weird way of eating spaghetti.”

Tire Rolling

When I was a child we used to roll down hills in old tires.

Those were the good years.

Fault Finder

My dad always told me, “Don’t be quick to find faults.”

He was a good man.

Terrible geologist though.

Lying Son

The school phoned me today and said, “Your son’s been telling lies.”

I said, “Tell him he’s very good. I don’t have a son.”


I’ve offered my elderly neighbor $20 to try out her stair lift.

I think she’s going to take me up on it.

Bed Fart

Why doesn’t James Bond fart in bed?

Because it would blow his cover.

Daughter Arrested

The police arrested my daughter claiming she had burnt our house down.

But it was arson.

Different T-Shirt

My wife said to me, “I’m leaving. I am sick of you wearing a different t-shirt every half an hour.”

I said, “Wait. I can change.”

Winter Fat

Finally my winter fat has gone…

Now, I have spring rolls.

Going Deaf

My doctor told me I’m going deaf.

The news was hard for me to hear.

Expensive Teslas

I figured out why Teslas are so expensive.

It’s because they charge a lot.

Enhanced Senses

If you lose one of your senses, your other senses are enhanced.

This is why people with no sense of humor have a heightened sense of self-importance.

New Kitten

How do you buy a kitten when the pet store is closed?

You order it from the cat-alogue.

Lawn Mower

I had to fire the guy I hired to mow my lawn.

He just didn’t cut it.

Twitter Addiction

Doctor you’ve got to help me, I’m addicted to Twitter.

Doctor: I don’t follow you.

Flight Possibility

A century ago, two brothers insisted that it was possible to fly …

And as you can see, they were Wright.

Diabetes Awareness

I was on a diabetes awareness website and it asked me if I accept cookies…

Is this a trick question?

Pretty Positive

I got called pretty today.

Well, actually, the full statement was “You’re pretty annoying”, but I only focus on positive things.

The Computer

My boss calls me “The computer”.

It’s nothing to do with intelligence; I go to sleep if left unattended for 15 minutes.

Scared Yoda

Why was Yoda afraid of 7?

Because 6, 7, 8.

Grease Soundtrack

I told my therapist I can’t get the Grease soundtrack out of my head…

He said, “Tell me more”.

Grant Aid

My farmer friend used his government grant aid to buy baby chickens.

He got the money for nothing, and the chicks for free.