Broken Neck

It wasn’t much fun last year having a broken neck.

But at least now I can look back and laugh.

Tracking Spending

If I had a nickel for every time I lost track of my spending …

I’d be like, “Where did all my nickels go?”

Noodle Hair

What do you call a Sasquatch with noodles for hair?


Fart Scientist

Why was the fart scientist so successful?

His observations were very asstoot.

Auctioneer Death

Our local auctioneer has passed away.

He was somewhere around 30? 35? 35? 40.

Getting Fat

My wife says I’m getting fat, but in my defense…

I’ve had a lot on my plate recently.

Door Handle

This morning I met a man carrying a door handle.

I asked him why he had it.

He said, “It gets me out of the house.”

Lazy People

I don’t understand the hate lazy people get.

They didn’t do anything.

Windy Book

I’m writing a book about hurricanes and tornadoes.

It’s only a draft at the moment.

Breakfast Ban

My wife has banned me from making any more breakfast puns.

She says if I make any more I’m toast.

Unlit Cigarette

A girl on Tinder asked me why I have an unlit cigarette in my picture.

I told her I’m just looking for a match.

Favorite Lamp

My wife just confessed that she broke my favorite lamp.

I don’t think I’ll be able to look at her in the same light ever again.

Posed Naked

I once posed naked for a magazine.

The shop keeper wasn’t having it and told me I’d have to give him cash like everyone else.

Tarmac Thieves

Thieves who stole 3 ton of tarmac have been in hiding for 2 months now.

A police spokesman said, “We are hoping they will resurface soon.”

Space Station Cheese

What do you call cheese that accidentally escapes the International Space Station?

Space de Brie.

Nose Wiping Nun

I met a nun that wiped her nose on her clothes.

She had a nasty habit.

Solar Power

Solar power is the future!

But it won’t happen overnight.

Break Up Text

I received a text from my wife saying she was breaking up with me.

Imagine how relieved I was when a couple of minutes later she texted, “Sorry wrong number”.

T-Shirt Abbreviation

Did you know that T-shirt is actually an abbreviated version of Tyrannosaurus shirt?

Because of the short arms.

Competitive Neighbors

My neighbors are having a contest to see who can hang out their laundry on the line the fastest.

So far, it’s level pegging.

Pen Obsession

My wife Rose is leaving me because of my obsession with pens.

Bye Rose.

Big Fight

My wife and I had a big fight. Afterwards she came crawling to me on her hands and knees …

Saying, “You come out from under that bed and fight like a man!”

Airport Baggage Handler

I thought that training as an airport baggage handler would be fairly simple.

But actually there’s a lot to take on board.

Fine Wine

I told my wife that a husband is like a fine wine: we just get better with age.

The next day she locked me in the cellar.

Radiologist Mum

My mom was a radiologist. She met my dad when he came in for an x-ray.

I wonder what she saw in him.

Job Quitter

My friend just quit his job at BMW.

He gave no indication he was leaving.

Astronaut Training

On my first day at astronaut training, I vomited and asked the instructor, “Is this normal?”

He said, “Not during a written exam, no.”

Lobster Belt

What do you call a belt made out of lobsters?

A waist of good seafood.

Strange Cough

This morning I coughed up a pawn, a knight and a bishop.

I must have a chess infection.

Ninth Letter

Someone asked me what the 9th letter of the alphabet was.

It was a complete guess, but I was right.

Disposable Masks

Today I learned you can use disposable masks to brew espresso.

That’s because they’re coughy filters.

Tightest Hat Competition

I’ve entered the annual tightest hat competition in our town, this year.

I’m just hoping that I can pull it off.

Good At Darts

What do you call a woman who’s really good at darts?


Pushy Sales Guy

The sales guy kept pushing, even though I’d already said, “No”, many times. So I shouted, “Non!”, “Net!”, “Nein!”

But he wouldn’t take no foreign answer.

Underground Baklava

Did you know it’s impossible to eat baklava underground?

Because then it’s bakmagma.


I went to a seance last night.

I don’t know what possessed me.

Band Starter

I’ve just started a band called The Subtractions.

Take it away boys!

Days Of Week Joke

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

Those were the days …

Batman And Robin

What do you get when an elephant runs over Batman and Robin?

Flatman and Ribbon.

Forgotten Something

I went out for a run tonight, but had to go back after two minutes because I’d forgotten something.

I’d forgotten that I’m fat, out of shape and can’t run for more than two minutes.

Clean Socks

My wife told me that I should put a clean pair of socks on every day.

By Friday, I couldn’t get my shoes on.