Nude Painting

I did my first nude painting yesterday.

The neighbors weren’t happy but the front door looks great!

Karaoke Bar

“I went to a karaoke bar in South East Asia once.”


“Yeah, they were all rubbish.”

Lip Reader

If I’m reading their lips correctly …

My neighbors are arguing about some creepy guy next door.

Museum Arrest

I got arrested today for walking out of an art museum with a painting.

I’m just so confused because earlier when I asked the security if I could take a picture they said “yes”.

Herb Dislike

My girlfriend is leaving me because she can’t stand the herbs I have been using in the kitchen.

Bae leaves.


My wife asked me what “mansplaining” means.

Now what am I supposed to do?

Goldfish Musical

I’ve written a musical called ‘Goldfish’.

It’s very similar to ‘Cats’, although ‘Memory’ is a lot shorter.

Novel Exchange

My local supermarket is exchanging old novels for certain root vegetables.

That’s a turnip for the books.

Strange Therapy

My therapist said she wants to treat me with ygolohcysp.

But I told her reverse psychology doesn’t work on me.

Dictionary Reader

I couldn’t sleep last night, so I read the dictionary.

By 3am I was past caring.

Bubba’s Hearing

“What’s wrong, Bubba?” asked the pastor.

“I need you to pray for my hearing,” said Bubba.

The pastor put his hands on Bubba’s ears and prayed. When he was done, he asked, “So how’s your hearing?”

“I don’t know,” said Bubba. “It isn’t until next Tuesday.”

Stomach Problems

A man goes to the doctor complaining about stomach problems, so the doctor asks him what he’s been eating.

“I only eat pool balls,” he says. “Red ones for breakfast, yellow and orange ones for lunch, blue for afternoon snacks, and purple and black for dinner.”

“I see the problem,” says the doctor. “You’re not getting enough greens.”

Geography Question

My geography teacher asked if I could name a country with no R in it.

I said, “No way.”

Herb Garden Thief

I ran out of food and I had to steal from next door’s herb garden.

I’m living on borrowed thyme.

Snake Hat

What do you call a snake wearing a hard hat?

A boa constructor.

Heart Disease Risk

My doctor told me I’m at risk of heart disease because I eat too much sodium.

I took his advice with a grain of salt.

Rude To Point

My Dad always said that it was rude to point.

Great Dad, terrible bricklayer.

Gift Buying Competition

My brother and I are really competitive when it comes to buying gifts for our mother’s sister.

This year, my brother bought her a stairlift.

He’s really upped the Auntie this time.

Work Refusal

There’s no way I’m working for my boss after what he said to me.

He said, “You’re fired!”

Zoom Meeting

I told a joke on a Zoom meeting and no-one laughed.

It turns out I’m not remotely funny.

Hot Bath

My doctor told me to drink two glasses of red wine after a hot bath.

But I can’t even finish drinking the hot bath.

Karate Competition

My son was very upset that he came in last at the Karate competition.

He was kicking himself.

Self Deprecation Course

There is a self depreciation course starting at my local college next term.

I’ve already put myself down.

Police Appeal

A man was seriously injured today after being run over by a reversing car.

Police are appealing for the driver to come forward.

Memory Loss

Having regained consciousness after a car accident, the doctor is trying to convince me that I am actually a Swedish guy and I have lost my memory.

Does he think I was Bjorn yesterday?

Strange Movie

I watched a movie last night where Patrick Swayze teaches a girl how to type on a keyboard.

QWERTY Dancing.

Dog Ate Ring

I was going to propose to my girlfriend but my dog ate the ring.

Now it’s a diamond in the ruff.

Hard Worker

When I was young, I was poor.

After many years of hard work, I am no longer young.

Spray Deodorant

I’ve decided from Monday that I’ll stop using spray deodorants.

Roll on next week!

Coffee Cup Thief

Someone broke into my office and stole all the coffee cups.

I’ve got to go to the police station later to look at some mugshots.

Giant Chocolate Eclair

I baked a giant chocolate eclair yesterday but couldn’t finish it.

I’d bitten off more than I could choux.

Bobbing Along

I enjoyed my first time ever bobbing up and down in the sea yesterday.

It’s been my dream ever since I was a little buoy.

Record Ashes

When my father died, he wanted his ashes pressed into a record.

It was his vinyl request.

Wipe After Peeing

Wife: Do men wipe after they pee?

Aging husband: Yes. Wipe the floor, wipe the rim, wipe the wall …

Interesting Game

A group of dolphins is called a pod, and a group of falcons is called a cast.

So if you ever watch the Miami Dolphins play the Atlanta Falcons, technically, you’re watching a pod-cast.

Wife Argument

Arguing with my wife is like reading a software license agreement.

In the end, I ignore it all and click “I agree.”

Mum Saying

My mum always used to say, “40 is the new 30”.

Lovely woman, banned from driving…