Terrible Headaches

My wife gets a terrible headache whenever I cook with wheat, barley, or rice.

She suffers from my grains.

School Meals

I told my son, “Have you heard that they’re shutting down all food resources in schools so that children can’t eat?”

“Canteens?” he asked.

“No, it doesn’t matter what age,” I replied.


A woman goes to the butchers, “I’d like an oxtail please.”

“Certainly” replies the butcher. “Once upon a time, there was an ox …”

Guy With Pram

I saw a guy with a horseshoe, a four leaf clover and a rabbit’s foot in a pram.

I thought, “He’s pushing his luck!”

Showering Artist

Why did the artist only take showers?

They couldn’t draw a bath.

Old Video Game

I was walking barefoot on the beach and stepped on a rusty piece from an old video game.

Now I have to get a Tetris shot.

Lost Underwear

I couldn’t find my underwear this morning.

I looked around and found them after a brief search.

Count Dooku’s Wife

Everyone has heard of Count Dooku, the character from Star Wars.

But his wife Sue – she’s quite a puzzle to figure out.

Wig Shop Robbery

Did you hear about the wig shop that got robbed?

They’re looking into replacing all the locks.

Lost Dictionary

I said to my wife, “I’ve lost the dictionary.”

She said, “Have you looked upstairs?”

I said, “I can’t look up anything!”

Boba Fett

What’s the difference between Boba Fett and a time machine operated by Marty McFly?

One’s a Mandalorian, and the other’s a manned DeLorean.

Excessive Burping

My friend was sent to prison last year for excessive burping.

He’s finally been let out with a pardon.

Small Onion Puns

My wife just asked me if I’d finished making puns about small onions.

I said, “Yes, that shallot”.

Theater Rule

My dad used to say, “The first rule of theater is to always leave them wanting more”.

Great guy. Terrible anesthetist.

Tsunami Fear

Therapist: What brings you in today?

Me: I have a terrible fear of tsunamis.

Therapist: How bad is it?

Me: It comes in waves.

Human Vacuum Cleaner

My friend got taken to hospital because he’s convinced that he’s turned into a vacuum cleaner.

Just phoned to see how he is and they say he’s picking up.

Construction Site Job

I went for a job interview on a construction site mixing sand, gravel and cement.

I think I got the job but nothing’s concrete yet.

Radiologist Friend

My friend Emma is a radiologist in the X-Ray department.

I call her ‘Boney Em’.

Beatles Song Titles

I read a book last night called, “How to End Sentences with Beatles Song Titles”.

That’s two hours of my life I won’t get back.

Up Late

My wife and I have agreed to never go to bed angry with each other.

So far, we’ve been up for three days.

Serious Boss

My boss accused me of never taking him seriously.

“I don’t agree with that,” I told him.

He said, “Can I see you in my office?”

I said, “Depends if the lights are on.”

Test Marker

I was fired from my job as a test marker.

I don’t know why; I always gave 100%.


As I was getting into bed, she said, “You’re drunk.”

I said, “How do you know?”

She said, “You live next door.”

Winnie The Pooh

“Winnie The Pooh’s gone to the Caribbean.”


“No, I think he went with Piglet.”

Divorce Reasons

My wife made a list of the ten reasons she wants a divorce.

1. I don’t seem to care.
2. I’m not a good listener.
3. Etc.

Fancy Dress

I often go to fancy dress parties dressed as a shark.

Quite honestly, the novelty is wearing a little fin.

Next Trick

For my next trick, I will eat a percussion instrument in a bap.

Drum roll please.

Sylvester Stallone Pillow

Last month, my wife bought a Sylvester Stallone pillow and put it in the middle of the bed.

Since then, things have been Rocky between us.

Galaxy Move

As soon as space travel is possible, I’m moving from the Milky Way to the Soymilky Way galaxy.

I’m galactose intolerant.

Frozen Chemist

A chemist froze himself at -273.15 C, and everyone said he was crazy.

It turned out he was 0K.

Lunch Together

The mayor in my city just passed a law that male best friends have to have lunch together at least once a week.

Well it’s not a law, it’s a mandate.

Three Letter Word

I asked my wife, “Do you know a three letter word for ‘eggs’?”

Her: It’s ova.

Me: Why? Is it because I’m terrible at crosswords?


My son wanted to know what it was like to be a parent.

So I woke him at 2am to tell him my sock came off.

Nude Painting

I did my first nude painting yesterday.

The neighbors weren’t happy but the front door looks great!

Karaoke Bar

“I went to a karaoke bar in South East Asia once.”


“Yeah, they were all rubbish.”

Lip Reader

If I’m reading their lips correctly …

My neighbors are arguing about some creepy guy next door.

Museum Arrest

I got arrested today for walking out of an art museum with a painting.

I’m just so confused because earlier when I asked the security if I could take a picture they said “yes”.

Herb Dislike

My girlfriend is leaving me because she can’t stand the herbs I have been using in the kitchen.

Bae leaves.


My wife asked me what “mansplaining” means.

Now what am I supposed to do?

Goldfish Musical

I’ve written a musical called ‘Goldfish’.

It’s very similar to ‘Cats’, although ‘Memory’ is a lot shorter.

Novel Exchange

My local supermarket is exchanging old novels for certain root vegetables.

That’s a turnip for the books.