
My wife asked me why I wanted to be cremated.

I told her it’s because it’s my last hope for a smoking hot body.

Crying Baby

When I came home from work, my wife said “Ugh, the baby has been crying for hours. Can you take over?”

I said, “Sure” and started crying for hours.

Bike Thief

What’s it called when you steal your bike back from the thief?


Big Decision

I heard that you should always look into a mirror before making a big decision.

It helps you reflect.

Underfloor Heating

My friends got a new house, and I paid for them to get underfloor heating.

It was a house warming gift.

Incontinence Hotline

I called the incontinence hotline yesterday.

The lady asked if I can hold for a few minutes.

NASA Mission

Did you hear that NASA is about to launch a new mission to say sorry to aliens for Earth polluting space?

It’s called Apollo G.

Shy Pebble

I once met a shy pebble.

She wished she was a little bolder.

Cavity Procedure

I asked the dentist what the cavity procedure would entail.

He said, “Let me fill you in.”

Irish Tomb

What do you call an Irish tomb full of coins?

A crypt o’currency.


I picked up a hitchhiker last night.

He asked, “How do you know I’m not a serial killer?”

I replied, “The chances of two serial killers in one car is astronomical.”

Bass Lessons

A father was buying bass lessons for his son.

After the 1st week the father asked him what he had learned.

The son said, “On my 1st lesson we learned about the E string.”

The 2nd week came and after the lesson the father asked what had he learned that week.

The son said, “On the 2nd lesson I learned about the A string.”

The 3rd week came by and the father said to his son, “You know these are expensive lessons, what have you learned this week?”

The son said, “I quit the lessons, I already got a gig.”

Five Children

I met a woman who had five children.

When I asked what their names were, she said, “Who, What, Where, When, and Why”.

That made me think, “Wow. She’s raising a lot of questions”.

Tax Specialist

What do you call a blood-sucking tax specialist?

Account Dracula.

Opaque Definition

I looked up the definition of opaque in the dictionary.

It wasn’t very clear.

Funny Lizard

I returned my lizard to the pet store as he wouldn’t stop telling dad jokes.

“That’s not a lizard,” the store clerk told me.

“That’s a stand-up chameleon.”

Two Shepherds

Two shepherds lean on their crooks at the end of a long day and the first asks the second, “So, how’s it going?”

The second one sighs and shakes his head, “Not good. I can’t pay my bills, my health isn’t good, my kids don’t respect me, and my wife is leaving me.”

The first replies, “Well, don’t lose any sheep over it.”

Peruvian Owls

Did you know Peruvian owls always hunt in pairs?

That’s because they’re Inca hoots.

Elton John

Why doesn’t Elton John eat lettuce?

Because he’s a rocket man.

New Pharmacy Job

I was starting my new job at the pharmacy this morning when a guy walked in.

“I’ve got a blocked nose, a sore throat and my head feels like it’s going to explode,” he said, “Have you got anything?”

I said, “No, I feel fine.”

Dog Treats

We got our dogs some glow in the dark treats for their birthday.

You should have seen their little faeces light up.

Funeral Gathering

What do you call it when all your mother’s sisters gather at a funeral to avenge your death?

Vigil aunties.

Big Crumb

I dropped a really big crumb on my laptop keyboard. Turned out to be nothing to worry about though.

It’s under Ctrl.

Bose Stock

My wife was livid when I told her I used all of our savings to buy stock in Bose.

I told her to relax, it’s a sound investment.

Advertising Company

It was a big surprise when the advertising company went out of business.

No one saw the signs.

Broth Factory

I took a job at a broth factory.

The salary is low but at least there are stock options.

Transparent Cattle

Scientists have developed a breed of transparent cattle. Unfortunately they’re super aggressive.

Steer clear.

Musical Instruments

I was walking down the road this morning and first got hit by a violin, then a clarinet and then a piano.

I think it was an orchestrated attack.

Oppenheimer Line

I got in line to watch Oppenheimer around lunchtime, but I realized it was three hours long and I was starving.

So I went to the Barbie queue instead.

Neighbor Sleep

My neighbor knocked on my door at 2am this morning and said, “I can’t sleep.”

“Well it’s your lucky day,” I said. “We’ve got a party going on in here, come in.”

Costume Party

I went to a costume party last night, dressed as a screwdriver.

Turned a few heads.

Waving At Me

Yesterday I couldn’t make out if someone was waving at me, or the person behind me.

In other news, I just lost my job as a lifeguard.

Trophy Maker

I’ve spent the last 25 years of my life as a professional trophy maker.

It’s a rewarding career.

Chess Factory

I’ve got a new job at the chess factory.

I’m on knights next week.

No Pasta

My girlfriend broke up with me and took all my pasta.

She left me penne-less.


An elderly man is stopped by the police around 2 a.m. and is asked where he is going at this time of night.

The man replies, “I am on my way to a lecture about alcohol abuse and the effects it has on the human body, as well as smoking and staying out late.”

The officer then asks, “Really? Who is giving that lecture at this time of night?”

The man replies, “That would be my wife.”

Crime Scene Investigator

11:38 – Arrived at crime scene.

11:38 – Examined body. Signs of a struggle.

11:38 – Found murder weapon in drain.

11:38 – Realised watch was broken.

Arctic Land

My dad keeps purchasing more arctic land that he can’t afford.

I’m worried he has buy polar disorder.

Ruthless Pirate

A ruthless pirate killed his wife and buried her alongside the treasure.

Now his ex marks the spot.

Let Hair Down

My friend told me I needed to let my hair down and relax.

But I couldn’t find one, so I did the next best thing and disappointed a rabbit.

Bar Fight Advice

My dad gave me some advice a few years ago.

He said, “Son, if you ever get into a fight in a bar, just take a ball from the pool table and put it in your sock.”

Worst advice ever. I could hardly run.

Giraffe Fancy Dress

I went to a fancy dress party dressed as a giraffe.

I didn’t win a prize but I still left with my head held high.

German Drinker

A German walks into a bar and asks for a martini.

The bartender asks him, “Dry?”

The German replies, “Nein danke, just one.”

Personal Trainer

I fired my personal trainer because he made me lift weights with my belly.

I just couldn’t handle all the ab use.

Freak Accident

My friend Gary lost all his hair in a freak accident at the biscuit factory.
