The Best Riddler Riddles

The Riddler is a Batman villain who made his first appearance back in 1948. He always sets Batman riddles to solve as clues before committing his crimes. Here are the best Riddler riddles he’s set over the years. How many can you solve?

A collection of Riddler riddles from the Batman villain

Riddler Riddles

Riddle 1: What is the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space, the beginning of every end and the end of every race?

Riddle 2: Why is an orange like a bell?

Riddle 3: What is always on its way here, but never arrives?

Riddle 4: What won’t run long without winding?

Riddle 5: What belongs to you, but is used by others?

Riddle 6: We’re five little items of an everyday sort; you’ll find us all in ‘a tennis court’.

Riddle 7: Why is a woman in love like a welder?

Riddle 8: When is the time of a clock like the whistle of a train?

Riddle 9: What has branches and leaves and no bark?

Riddle 10: How many sides has a circle?

Riddle 11: What is it that no man wants to have but no man wants to lose?

Riddle 12: The more you take away from it the larger it grows, what is it?

Riddle 13: Which president wears the largest hat?

Riddle 14: There are three men in a boat with four cigarettes but no matches. How do they manage to smoke?

Riddle 15: I have billions of eyes, yet I live in darkness. I have millions of ears, yet only four lobes. I have no muscle, yet I rule two hemispheres. What am I?

Riddle 16: When is a person like a piece of wood?

Riddle 17: What goes up white and comes down yellow and white?

Riddle 18: What is it that travels on all fours in the morning, on two legs at noon, and three at twilight?

Riddle 19: What people are always in a hurry?

Riddle 20: What is Joan of Arc made of?

Riddle 21: When is a prizefight like a beautiful lady?

Riddle 22: Why is silk like grass?

Riddle 23: What kind of men are always above board?

Riddle 24: What do you throw away that keeps returning?

Riddle 25: What has neither nails or bones, but has four fingers and a thumb?

Riddle 26: What kind of pins are used in soup?

Riddle 27: Why is a musician’s bandstand like an oven?

Riddle 28: When is the top of a mountain like a saving’s account?

Riddle 29: When does a painter use a trigger instead of a brush?


1. The letter ‘E’.

2. Because they both need to be peeled.

3. Tomorrow.

4. A river.

5. Your name.

6. Vowels.

7. They both carry a torch.

8. When it’s two to two.

9. A library.

10. Two. The inside and the outside.

11. A lawsuit.

12. A hole.

13. The one with the biggest head.

14. They threw a cigarette overboard, and made the boat a cigarette lighter.

15. The human brain.

16. When it’s a ruler.

17. An egg.

18. Man.

19. Russians.

20. Maid of Orleans.

21. When it’s a knockout.

22. They are both sold by the yard.

23. Chessmen.

24. A boomerang.

25. A glove.

26. Terrapins.

27. Because that’s where he makes his bread.

28. When it peaks one’s interest.

29. When he’s a stick up artist.

More Riddles

If you enjoyed these Riddler riddles, take a look at all our other riddles and brainteasers too, including these: