Food Shopping

They say never go food shopping when you’re hungry.

But it’s been over a week now and every day I just get hungrier.

Psychiatrist Waiting Room

I like to stand in the corner of my psychiatrist’s waiting room and blow on anyone who walks by…

Most people hate it, but I’m a fan.

Twelve Holes

How do you cover 12 holes with one hole?

Take a flute and shove it up your butt.

One Night Stand

The furniture store keeps calling me back…

But all I wanted was that one nightstand.

Genie Wishes

Genie: What’s your first wish.

Steve: I wish I was rich.

Genie: What’s your second wish.

Rich: I want lots of money.

Alcoholic Drinks

When I drink alcohol, everyone says I’m an alcoholic.

But when I drink Fanta, no-one says I’m fantastic.

Afraid Of Heights

What do you call a bird that’s afraid of heights?

A chicken.

Japanese Friend

I used to think I had a Japanese friend.

But it was just my imagine Asian.

If Anything Ever Happens

My girlfriend said to me the other day, “If anything ever happens to me, I want you to meet someone new.”

Apparently, getting stuck in traffic doesn’t count as “anything”.

Candy Bar Stealer

I steal candy bars using sleight of hand.

You could say I have a few Twix up my sleeve.

Soft Drinks

Which part of America can’t sell full-sized soft drinks?


Lobster And Bus Station

What’s the difference between a dirty bus stop and a lobster with breasts?

One’s a crusty bus station, the other’s a busty crustacean.

Feeling Lonely

I was feeling very lonely so I bought some shares.

It’s nice to have a bit of company.

Shark Attack

I was at the beach today and I saw a man in the water shouting, “Help! Shark! Help!”

I laughed because I knew the shark wasn’t going to help him.

Dog Name

I named my dog “Wifi”.

Because I stole it from my neighbor.

Favorite Jokes

Poop jokes may not be my favorite type of joke.

But they’re a solid number two.

EA Games Job Interview

I went for a job interview at EA Games today.

The interviewer said to me, “The second part of your resume is missing.”

I said, “For the second part, you have to pay $20.”

Book Of Revelation

John the Apostle is writing the Book of Revelation.

He says to God, “So, Lord, the end will be signalled by trumpets?”

God replies, “No… I said Trump/Pence.”

John says, “Yeah, trumpets.”

God says, “No… oh, never mind. They’ll know.”

Scrabble Tiles

I accidentally swallowed a handful of Scrabble tiles today.

My next bowel movement could spell disaster.

Chemical Reaction

My friend fell into a vat of chemicals.

Ironically, it was his quick reaction that killed him.

Teddy Bear

A little girl is having a pretend dinner party with her teddy bear. She says, “Do you want anything to eat, Mr. Bear?”

The bear replies, “No thanks, I’m stuffed.”

Drug Takers

I hate people who take drugs.

Specifically, the DEA and US Customs.

Nice Ham

That’s a nice ham you’ve got there.

It’d be a shame if someone put an ‘s’ at the front, and an ‘e’ at the end.

Pointless Job

If you ever feel like your job is pointless, just remember…

There is someone who is currently installing turn signal lights at BMW.

Melania Trump

Donald Trump may be the next president of the U.S.A. but the real winner is Melania Trump.

She can now call herself the First Lady instead of the Third Wife.

Cheating Statistics

I just read that according to statistics, one third of people cheat in their relationships.

And that got me thinking: is it my wife or my girlfriend who is cheating?

More Like Her Ex

My girlfriend told me she wanted me to be more like her ex.

So I dumped her.

Computer Science Student

A mugger jumps out in front of a university student and shouts, “Your money or your life!”

The student just keeps on walking as he says, “Sorry, I’m a computer science student, I don’t have either.”

Bill Gates

Bill Gates teaches a kindergarten class to count to ten…

“1, 2, 3, 3.1, 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10.”

Fairy Tales

A little girl asked her Dad one day, “Dad, do all fairy tales begin with ‘Once upon a time?'”

Her Dad replied, “No honey, some of them begin with ‘If I’m elected.'”

Arms Dealer

I buy all my guns from a guy called “T-Rex”.

He’s a small arms dealer.

Lost An Electron

An atom lost an electron.

It said, “Man, I really ought to keep an ion them.”

Good Christian

I found someone’s wallet today, and as a good Christian I thought, “What would Jesus do?”

So I turned it into wine.

Abraham Lincoln

When I complained about doing homework, my Dad said to me, “When Abraham Lincoln was your age, he walked 9 miles to school and did homework by candlelight.”

I said, “When Abraham Lincoln was your age, he was President.”

Monopoly Board Game

You can tell Monopoly is an old game.

Because there’s a luxury tax and rich people can go to jail.

Blonde Police Officers

Two blonde police officers crash their patrol car into a tree.

After a moment’s silence, the first blonde says to the other, “Wow, I think that’s the quickest we’ve ever got to the scene of an accident.”

Wife’s Birthday Present

It’s my wife’s birthday in a couple of days and when I asked her what she wanted she said she’d be happy with anything with lots of diamonds in it.

She’s going to love this pack of playing cards I’ve bought her.

Dead Dog

My girlfriend’s dog died, so to cheer her up I went out and got her an identical one.

She went mad, “What am I going to do with two dead dogs?”

Killer Clowns

I, for one, support these crazy killers dressing up like clowns.

It was a lot harder to see them coming when they were dressing like cops.

US Election

You can say what you like about Donald Trump …

But he’s doing more than anyone else in the world to stop Donald Trump from being elected president.

IQ Test

My IQ test result just came in and I’m really relieved.

Thank God it came back negative.

Favorite Nation

What’s Donald Trump’s favorite nation?
