Tractor Movie

A friend asked me if I had seen the film “Tractor”.

“No,” I replied, “But I’ve seen the trailer.”

Clogged Sink

After spending an hour unclogging the bathtub and sink…

I’m feeling pretty drained.

Time Travelling Club

I’m very good friends with the other members of my time travelling club.

We go back years.

Irish Dancing Show

I saw an Irish dancing show today called Streamdance.

It’s not quite as good as Riverdance, but then it is only a tributary act.

Helicopter Biscuit

I asked for a helicopter biscuit.

They didn’t have any so I had to have a plane one.

Telekinetic Snooker

I do enjoy playing “telekinetic snooker”.

However, you’ve got to be in the right frame of mind for it.

Tubular Bells

I thought I heard Tubular Bells on my farm last Christmas.

But it was just my cold field.

Trailer Rental

I always find it hard to rent a trailer.

I’ve never managed it without a hitch.

Share Tip

A guy told me to buy shares in a company that makes alcohol from apples.

He’s been done for in-cider trading.

Favorite Exercise

My favorite exercise is a cross between a lunge and a crunch.

It’s called lunch.

Mail Joke

My friend sent me a joke in the mail.

Took me a few days to get it.

Money Addiction

Did you hear about the ATM that was addicted to money?

It suffered from withdrawals.

Lettuce Display

If the lettuce display at the grocery store falls over again…

I swear, heads are gonna roll.

Kids Song

“Head, shoulders, knees and toes,” used to be a fun little kids’ song.

Now it’s a list of things that hurt.


I’m not saying I’m attractive.

But when I take my clothes off in the bathroom, I turn the shower on.

Bulb Replacement

Accidentally replaced my halogen bulbs with hallucinogen bulbs.

Circuit breakers are tripping and my electric bill is really high.

Mistake Finder

I said to my wife, “For the last 15 years, all you’ve done is find mistakes in anything I say.”

She said, “16 years…”

Bread Wedding

Two slices of bread got married.

The wedding was amazing, until someone decided to toast the bride and groom.

Binary Book

I bought a book called “1001 Uses for Binary”.

When I got home, I was disappointed to find out there were only 9 entries.

Neon Calendar

I like to mark my calendar with bright neon colors.

It’s the highlight of my day.

Sponge Front Door

My next-door neighbor’s front door is made of sponge.

Lots of people don’t like it, but I have to admit, I can’t knock it.

Dinner Invitation

Her: At least invite me out to dinner.

Him: I don’t go out with married women.

Her: But I’m your wife.

Him: I make no exceptions.

Nose For Wine

My friend has an excellent nose for wine.

It’s shaped like a corkscrew.

Steamroller Lessons

My wife said she wants to spend our savings on learning to drive a steamroller.

I said I’m not going to stand in her way.

Archaeology Party

I went to an archaeology party where they were only looking for remains of a lower leg.

It was a shindig.