Ghost Riddles With Answers

These fun ghost riddles are sure to lift your spirits! If you can’t solve them, don’t let it haunt you – all the answers are provided!

Fun Ghost Riddles

You’re in a room and there is a ghost in the room, but you’re the only one in the room. How is this possible?

Show answer

You’re the ghost.

What kind of music do ghosts like?

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Rhythm and boos.

What a is ghost’s favorite pet?

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A ghoulfish.

Who protects the shores where spirits live?

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The Ghost Guard.

What room do ghosts avoid?

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The living room.

Where does a ghost love to go swimming?

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The Dead Sea.

Why did the ghost take his family on an elevator ride every day?

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To raise their spirits.

Where do baby ghosts go while their parents work?

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To day scare.

What amusement park ride does a ghost like best?

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The roller ghoster.

Why are ghosts such bad liars?

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You can see right through them.

Where do ghosts buy their food?

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At the ghost-ery store.

What road has the most ghosts haunting it?

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A dead end.

What do ghosts like for dessert?

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Ice scream.

Why are ghosts so happy?

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Every shroud has a silver lining.

Why did the game warden arrest the ghost?

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He didn’t have a current haunting license.

What game do ghosts like to play at the top of the mountain?

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What do ghosts eat on Halloween?

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Why do ghosts and demons get along so well?

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Demons are a ghoul’s best friend.

What would you get if you crossed a cocker spaniel, a French poodle, and a ghost?

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A cocker-poodle-boo.

What does a ghost keep in his stable?

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How can you tell if a ghost is about to faint?

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They get as pale as a sheet.

What kind of shoes do ghost wear?

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What is a ghost’s least favorite candy?

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Life Savers.

What did the ghost eat for breakfast?

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Dreaded wheat.

What do ghosts do when they want to start up a computer?

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They boo-t it up.

What do ghosts always do when they get into a car?

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Buckle their sheet-belts.

What happens when a ghost gets lost in the fog?

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He is mist.

What is a ghost’s favorite fruit?

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Where do ghosts play tennis?

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On a tennis corpse.

How did the ghost repair the rip in the sheet?

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With a pumpkin patch.

What did the ghost mail home while on vacation?

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What did the ghost say to the bee?

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Boo bee.

What tops off a ghost’s ice-scream sundae?

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Whipped scream.

What position does a ghost play in soccer?

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Why did the ghost go to the bar?

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For some boo-ze.

What kind of gum do ghosts chew?

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Boo-ble gum.

Why did the ghost go to the doctor?

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To get a boo-ster shot.

What do little ghosts like to play with instead of frisbees?

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What kind of makeup is a ghost’s favorite to wear?

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Where do ghosts go when they’re sick?

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To the witch doctor.

Where does a ghost mail his letters?

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At the ghost office.

Where do dead outlaws go on a Saturday night?

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To ghost towns.

What did the panda ghost say?

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What kind of buttons do ghosts have?

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Boo-ly buttons.

What should you say when you meet a ghost in your bedroom?

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“How do you boo?”

What did the father ghost say to the naughty baby ghost?

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Spook when you’re spooken to.

What do ghosts like to do on a Saturday night?

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What is a ghost-proof bicycle?

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One with no spooks in it.

What is a ghost’s nose full of?

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What pants do ghosts wear to the Friday the 13th dance?

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Boo jeans.

Why don’t ghosts ride roller coasters?

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They don’t have the stomach for it.

What do ghosts use to clean their hair?

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Where do baby ghosts come from?

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Boo genes.

What do ghosts do before they enter a haunted house?

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Wipe their sheets.

What do you call a ghost without a host?

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What do you call a ghost with a broken leg?

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A hoblin goblin.

What do young ghosts call their moms and dads?

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Why was the ghost crying?

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He wanted his mummy.

What do baby ghosts wear on their feet?

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Where did the ghost throw the football?

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Over the ghoul line.

What kind of tie does a ghost wear to a formal party?

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A boo-tie.

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Riddles About Ghosts

If you enjoyed these riddles about ghosts, be sure to check out the rest of LaffGaff for lots more riddles and other fun, such as these: