Sounder is the collective noun for a group of which animals?

Question: Sounder is the collective noun for a group of which animals?

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The term “sounder” is the collective noun used to describe a group of pigs, particularly in the wild. Pigs, both domesticated and wild, are known for their intelligence, social behaviors, and strong sense of smell. The wild relatives of the domestic pig include the wild boar and warthog.

Wild boars, native to many parts of Europe, Asia, and North Africa, live in groups predominantly made up of females and their young. These groups, or sounders, are matriarchal in nature, often led by older, dominant females. Adult male boars usually lead solitary lives and only associate with sounders during the mating season. Sounders can range in size, with some groups including up to 20 or more individuals, though the number can vary widely based on habitat, food availability, and other factors.

The social structure within a sounder is quite intricate. Pigs communicate with each other using a variety of vocalizations, body language, and scents. This communication helps establish hierarchies and maintain group cohesion. Young pigs, or piglets, remain within the sounder for protection from predators and to learn crucial survival skills.

For domestic pigs, the term sounder isn’t commonly used; instead, people might refer to a group of pigs simply as a herd. However, in discussing wild pigs or boars, especially in the context of wildlife studies or management, the term “sounder” aptly captures the nature of these gregarious animals as they move, forage, and interact within their groups.