How many letters are there in the Greek alphabet?

Question: How many letters are there in the Greek alphabet?

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There are 24 letters in the Greek alphabet. These are:

  1. Alpha
  2. Beta
  3. Gamma
  4. Delta
  5. Epsilon
  6. Zeta
  7. Eta
  8. Theta
  9. Iota
  10. Kappa
  11. Lambda
  12. Mu
  13. Nu
  14. Xi
  15. Omicron
  16. Pi
  17. Rho
  18. Sigma
  19. Tau
  20. Upsilon
  21. Phi
  22. Chi
  23. Psi
  24. Omega

Each of these letters has an uppercase and a lowercase form. The Greek alphabet has been used since the late 9th or early 8th century BCE and is still in use today. It is the script used for the Greek language and has also been used in the mathematical and scientific fields.