Farting Teacher

What do you call a teacher who doesn’t fart in public?

A private tooter.

Board Game Thief

I almost got caught stealing a board game today.

But it was a Risk I was willing to take.

Sleepy Nun

What do you call a sleep-walking nun?

A roamin’ Catholic.

Who’s There?

Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Dwayne who?

Dwayne the bathtub, I’m dwowning.

Elevator Fart

I once farted in an elevator.

It was wrong on so many levels.

Ruin A Joke

How many geeks does it take to ruin a joke?

You mean nerd, not geek. And you mean riddle, not joke. Proceed.

Shredded Cheese

Donald Trump is going to ban the sale of pre-shredded cheese if he becomes president.

He wants to make America grate again.

Omega 3

My girlfriend threw some Omega 3 capsules at me today.

It’s okay though, I only have super fish oil injuries.

Air Hostess

I was on a flight the other day when the air hostess came up to me and said, “Excuse me sir, would you like to have dinner?”

I said, “What are the options?”

She said, “Yes and No.”

One-Armed Butler

My friend has got a butler who only has one arm.

Serves him right.

Missing Wife

My wife has been missing for a week and the police told me to prepare for the worst.

So I went to Goodwill and got all her clothes back.

Sad Little Ink Drop

Why was the little ink drop crying?

Because his mother was in the pen and he didn’t know how long the sentence would be.

Scuba Diver

Why do scuba divers fall backwards off the boat?

Because if they fell forward, they’d still be in the boat.

Least Favorite Letter

What’s a pirate’s least favorite letter?

Dear Sir,

We are writing to you because you have violated copyright …

Blacksmith’s Dog

I bought a dog off a blacksmith today.

As soon as I got it home it made a bolt for the door.

Hippo And Zippo

What’s the difference between a hippo and a Zippo?

One’s really heavy, the other’s a little lighter.

The Root Of All Evil

If the number 666 is considered evil…

Is 25.8069758 the root of all evil?

Noah’s Bees

Where did Noah keep his bees?

In the Ark hives.

Conversation Starter

My wife has a really odd way of starting conversations.

She always begins by saying, “Hey, are you even listening?”

Poison Prescription

A woman walks into a pharmacy one day and says to the pharmacist, “I’d like a poison that’ll kill my husband but make it look like he died of natural causes.”

The pharmacist says, “Ma’am, not only can I not do that for you, I’m going to have to call the police and report you.”

The woman takes out something out of her pocket and hands it to him. He looks at it and sees that it’s a picture of her husband having sex with the pharmacist’s wife.

The pharmacist says, “Oh, you should have told me you had a prescription.”

Black Hole Collision

What did the black holes say when they collided?

Nothing, they just waved.

Roman Empire

How was the Roman Empire cut in half?

With a pair of Caesars.

I Know CPR

I was in a bar getting drunk last night, when the bartender shouted out, “Does anyone know CPR?”

I shouted back, “I do. In fact, I know the entire alphabet.”

Everyone in the bar laughed. Except for one guy.


What’s the difference between USA and USB?

One connects to all of your devices and accesses the data. The other is a hardware standard.

Bored Short People

Two midgets are sitting around bored one day.

Then one of them pulls out some weed and says, “Do you wanna get medium?”

XBox And Playstation Fight

XBox and PlayStation are having a fight.

Then the cops show up: “Wii U, Wii U, Wii U, Wii U…”

Pretend Transformer

My girlfriend told me she was leaving me because I keep pretending to be a Transformer.

I said, “No, wait! I can change.”


What are the pros and cons of wearing two watches?

On the one hand, you have a watch…

But on the other hand, you have a watch.


Do you remember those yardsticks?

They don’t make them any longer.

Grammar Laws

What happened when the semicolon broke grammar laws?

It was given two consecutive sentences.

Wife’s Cooking

My wife’s cooking is incredible.

With a silent “cr”.

My Wife Worships Me

My wife worships me.

She puts burnt offerings in front of me every day.

Electric Fence

I built an electric fence around my property yesterday.

My neighbor is dead against it.

Elephant In The Room

I bought my friend an elephant for their room.

They said thank you.

I said, “Don’t mention it.”

No Watch

I haven’t owned a watch for I don’t know how long.

Carbon Monoxide Detector

I had to take the batteries out of my carbon monoxide detector last night.

The loud beeping was giving me a headache and making me feel sick and dizzy.

Black Belt

Today, I beat a black belt at karate.

My next opponent is a green sock.

Mental Arithmetic

I went for a job interview today and the interviewer said to me, “According to your CV, you’re really quick at mental arithmetic.”

I said, “Yes, that’s right.”

He asked me, “Okay, what’s eighteen multiplied by nineteen?”

I replied, “Thirty nine.”

He said, “No, that’s not even close.”

I said, “No, but it was quick.”

Shoelace Earphones

I’ve just replaced my shoelaces with earphones.

Now they tie themselves.

Glass Coffins

Will glass coffins be a success?

Remains to be seen.

Latin Teacher

I was sad to hear the Head of Latin at my old Catholic school died yesterday.

A mass will be said for him later today.

And amo.

And amat.

Thrown Under A Bus

I told my friend I saw a man get thrown under a bus today.

He said, “Oh my God – was it moving?”

I said, “Well a few people were crying, but I was fine.”

Sad Archaeologist

Why was the archaeologist sad?

Because his career was in ruins.


My friend got jailed for 6 months for pulling 4 people out of a burning building.

Turns out they were firefighters.

Where’s Wally

I went to the book store earlier to buy a “Where’s Wally?” book.

When I got there I couldn’t find the book anywhere.

Well played, Wally, well played.

Saw It With My Own Eyes

I can cut a piece of wood just by staring at it.

It’s true, I saw it with my own eyes!

Christmas Sweater

The sweater I got for Christmas kept picking up static electricity.

So I took it back to the store and exchanged it for another one free of charge.