I Was Feeling Bad

I was feeling bad about the future today, but then I installed the new version of Office.

It improved my outlook.

Thanks For That

I once thanked a French guy to death.

It was a merci killing.

Vegan Versus Meat Eater

A vegan said to me people who sell meat are disgusting.

I said people who sell fruit and vegetables​ are grocer.

Frustrating Conversation

I visited a coffee shop where the Wifi password was wedonthavewifi.

It was a very frustrating conversation with the cashier.

Mother Always Said

My mother used to say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.

Lovely woman.

Useless surgeon.

Labor Pains

My wife screamed in pain during labor so I asked, “What’s wrong?”.

She screamed. “These contractions are going to kill me!!”

“I am sorry, honey,” I replied. “What is wrong?”

North Korea

Why does North Korea excel at drawing straight lines?

Because they have a supreme ruler.

It’s The Way I Tell Them

While my wife was in labor I read her jokes to distract her from the pain, but she didn’t seem amused.

It must have been the delivery.

Wrong Vocation

As I get older and I remember all the people I’ve lost along the way…

I think to myself, maybe a career as a tour guide wasn’t for me.

Center Of Attention

What does a pulley like the best about its position?

It’s the center of a tension.

True Colors

What’s it called when a chameleon can’t change its colors anymore?

A reptile dysfunction.

Jehovah’s Witness

My local drug dealer started dressing up as a Jehovah’s Witness so he wouldn’t arouse suspicion.

He got arrested after the police saw people actually letting him in.

Bad Driver

I didn’t realize how bad of a driver I was until my sat nav said, “In 400 feet, do a slight right, stop, and let me out.”

All That Time

My friend has been a limo driver for 25 years and hasn’t had a single customer.

All that time and nothing to chauffeur it.

They Get Around

How do crabs get around on land?

They use the sidewalk.

Heavy Metal

Any guy who plays heavy metal at work…

Is office rocker.

Racist Boss

If your boss refuses to pay you more money, no problem.

Just accuse them of raise-ism.

Boss Beater

Today at work I beat my boss over the head with a pie chart.

I’ve been charged with a graph-aided assault.

Broken Escalator

What happened when the escalator broke down?

Everyone stopped and staired.

A New Tail

Where do animals go when their tails fall off?

The retail store.

Not My Gravel

My neighbor blamed my gravel for making him fall.

But it was his dumb asphalt.

Dark Ages

Why were the Dark Ages so dark?

Because there were so many knights.

So That’s What They Mean

A man was hospitalized with 6 plastic toy horses stuck up his ass.

Doctors described his condition as stable.

Burial Plot

I saw an ad for burial plots and thought to myself …

That’s the last thing I need.

Run By Men

You know Apple is run by men…

When they call it an iPhone 6+ and it’s only 5.5 inches.

Pokemon Stalker

What do a stalker and a Pokemon nerd have in common?

They both hide in the bushes trying to get a Pikachu.

Chicken And Egg

I went to a Halloween party dressed as a chicken.

Met a girl dressed as an egg.

A question as old as time was answered.

The chicken.

Pi Joke

I know every single digit of pi.

Just not in the right order.

Bank Robber Suit

A young man robbed a bank wearing a suit made of many mirrors.

But he turned himself in after taking some time to reflect.

Luckily the judge was lenient as he saw a lot of himself in the young man.


If you need to start a fire by rubbing two sticks together, make sure they’re the same.

Then you’ll have a match.

Vegetarian Diet

I had to give up my vegetarian diet.

Turns out they’re a lot harder to catch than cows.

He Needs Help!

A psychiatrist finds a man lying by the road who has been robbed and beaten senseless.

The psychiatrist says, “My god, whoever did this needs help!”

Eating When Can’t Sleep

I have a condition that makes me eat when I can’t sleep.

It’s called insom-nom-nom-nom-nom-nia.

Fat Mamma …

Yo Mamma so fat …

I pictured her in my head and broke my neck.

One Legged Girlfriend

I’ve started dating a one-legged girl who works at a brewery.

She’s in charge of the hops.

Childbirth Is Painful

They say childbirth is the most painful thing someone can experience.

Maybe I was too young to remember, but I don’t think it hurt that much.

Up There

I’ve just been looking at my ceiling and while I wouldn’t say it’s the best in the world…

It’s definitely up there.

Car Phone

I drove my car into a river and watched it turn into a mobile phone.

One minute, a Kia. Next minute, Nokia.

Bad Cook

My wife’s such a bad cook she uses the smoke alarm as a timer.

Airplane Mode

The sky was looking ominous so I asked Siri, “Surely it’s not going to rain again today?”

She replied, “Yes it is, and don’t call me Shirley.”

I guess I left my phone in Airplane mode again.

Duck Attack

I can’t take my dog to the pond anymore because the ducks keep attacking him.

I guess that’s what I get for buying a pure bread dog.

3D Printer

3D printers are now printing guns.

That’s nothing though.

I’ve had a Canon printer for years.


What do you call 2,000 mockingbirds?

2 kilomockingbirds.

Great Music

My neighbors are listening to great music.

Whether they like it or not.

Which Doctor?

I said to my wife, “I need to call the doctor today.”

She said, “Which doctor?”

I said, “No, the regular kind.”