
I didn’t think vodka could help my problems.

But it was worth a shot.

Random Letters

Me: I’m terrified of random letters!

Therapist: You are?

Me: [screams]

Therapist: I see.

Serious Opportunity

I said to my boss, “Can we talk? I have a problem.”

My boss replied, “Problem? No such thing, we call it an opportunity!”

I said, “Okay, I have a serious drinking opportunity.”

Broke Student

In college I was so broke I couldn’t afford the electricity bill.

Those were the darkest days of my life.

Buying Flowers

My wife complained that I don’t buy her flowers.

To be honest, I didn’t know she sold flowers.


I was going to give archery a try…

But there are too many drawbacks.

Shopping List

My wife asked me to put tomato ketchup on the shopping list that I was writing out.

I can’t read a word now.

Australian IT Worker

I met a guy from Australia who works in IT.

I asked him, “Do you come from a LAN down under?”

Taking Things Literally

The interviewer said to me, “Your resume says you take things too literally.”

I said, “When the hell did my resume learn to talk?”

Cyclops Brothers

Have you heard of the blind cyclops brothers?

Neither have eye.

Animal Breeding

Why can’t you breed an eel with an eagle?

It’s eeleagle.

State Of The Art

My Dad was bragging about his hearing aid.

“State of the art,” he said. “Cost me a fortune.”

“Awesome,” I said, “What type is it?”

“Two thirty,” he replied.

Wife Introduction

My wife gets angry…

That I keep introducing her as my ex-girlfriend.

Water Bed

How do you make a water bed more bouncy?

Add spring water.

Polite Builder

What do you call a polite man who builds bridges?

A civil engineer.

Talking Sushi

What did sushi A say to sushi B when they met?


Cannibal Date

I told my friend a cannibal took my sister to see a Russell Crowe movie.

He asked, “Gladiator?”

I said, “No, I really miss her.”

Shortest Sentence

The shortest sentence is “I am.”

The longest sentence is “I do.”

Medieval Servant

I just Googled the phrase “missing medieval servant”.

It came back with “Page not found”.

Staircase Book

I’ve written a book about falling down a staircase.

It’s a step by step guide.


A friend asked me if I knew anything about 1s and 0s.

I told him I knew a bit.

Black Hole Picture

If you aren’t impressed with the picture of the first black hole…

You clearly don’t understand the gravity of the situation.

Fragrance Factory

I totally understand why people work at fragrance factories.

Makes scents.

Cutting Ties

I decided to cut ties with all the people weighing me down.

My climbing partner didn’t appreciate it.

Skip Intro

The skip intro button on Netflix is so cool.

I wish Tinder had it too.

Unsuccessful Harvest

Why did the farmer decide to try a career in music after an unsuccessful harvest?

Because he had a ton of sick beets.

Where Were You?

A cop pulled me over and asked me, “Where were you between 5 and 6?”

I replied, “Kindergarten.”

Police Interview

I just said, “No comment” all the way through the police interview.

I didn’t get the job.


I taught my daughter what the word bargain meant.

She said, “Thanks Dad. That means a great deal.”

Liquor Store Help

I was in a liquor store and an employee asked me, “Do you need help?”

I said, “Yes, but I’m going to get whiskey instead.”

Broken Records

I broke two of my Dad’s Queen records.

Now I want to break three.

Not Yet

A three year old boy examined his testicles in the bath.

“Mom,” he asked, “Are these my brains?”

“Not yet,” she replied.

Russian Roulette

I told my son to stop playing Russian roulette, but you know how it is with kids…

In one ear, out the other.

Big Mistake

My dad lost his job at the cemetery yesterday.

He buried someone in the wrong plot.

It was a grave mistake.

Favorite Things

My three favorite things are eating my family…

And not using commas.

One In Three

Statistics say that 1 out of 3 people in a relationship is unfaithful.

I just need to work out if that’s my wife or my girlfriend.

Exchange Numbers

I was talking to a girl in a bar last night and she said, “Hey, let’s exchange numbers.”

I said, “Won’t that confuse people who are trying to call us?”

Tuxedo Store

The guy at the tuxedo store kept hovering around me, so I asked him to leave me alone.

He said, “Fine. Suit yourself.”

Bunch Of Celery

Every morning, I find that somebody has quietly put a bunch of celery on my front door step.

I think I’m being stalked.

School Report

My mum said, “I’m not happy with your school report.”

I said, “Okay.”

She said, “I want more As.”

I replied, “OKAAAAAAAAAY.”

Kids’ Beds

My friend said to me, “I won’t use stores that gender kids’ beds.”

I said, “Like a boycott?”

She said, “Don’t you start.”

Good Time Girl

I met a girl at a club the other night who said she’d show me a good time.

When we got outside she ran a 40-meter dash in just 4.5 seconds.

Eating Friends

What do you call friends you like to eat with?


Under Pressure

Just got back from a job interview, where I was asked if can perform under pressure.

I said I wasn’t too sure about that but I do a wicked Bohemian Rhapsody.