Rent Free

Why do 9 ants get to live in an apartment for free?

Because they’re not tenants.

Roof Damage

A storm blew away 25% of my roof last night.


Time Machine

When I was a little boy, a strange man stepped out of a time machine and punched me for no reason.

Now at last I’ve managed to invent a time machine of my own, so I’m going to go back to when he was a little boy so I can punch him and see how he likes it.

Triangle Player

I would like to put on record my appreciation for those who who play the triangle in orchestras.

Thanks for every ting.

Schizophrenic Roommate

My roommate claims I’m schizophrenic.

The jokes on him though, I don’t have a roommate.

Bee Buyer

I went to the bee keepers to buy some bees.

All the bees had price tags on them except one.

It was a freebie.

Electron Thief

I was arrested the other day for stealing people’s electrons.

I was heavily charged, despite my victims saying it was an overall positive experience.

Insomnia Cure

I’ve dedicated my whole life to finding a cure for insomnia.

I won’t rest till I find it.

Working Out

Working out is like a drug to me.

I don’t do drugs.

Welcome Back

“Welcome back everybody” is apparently not a good way to start a speech…

If you’re the best man at your friend’s second wedding.

Politician Impersonation

I can’t believe I got arrested for impersonating a politician.

I was just sitting around doing nothing.

Bus Timetables

I know an awful lot about bus timetables.

I’ve led a sheltered life.

Wooden Shoes

I should have known better than to flush my wooden shoes down the toilet.

Now it’s clogged.

Sleeping Pet

Apparently, 29% of pet owners let their pet sleep on the bed with them, so I gave it a try.

My goldfish died.

Naval Officer

I’m going to join the Navy purely out of spite.

I’m longing to become a Petty Officer.

Cinema Food

If I had a dollar for every time a customer complained about the price of cinema food…

I could almost afford a small popcorn.

Twin In Prison

My twin brother called me from prison.

He said, “So you know how we finish each others’ sentences?”

Sticky Hair

Why do bees have sticky hair?

Because they use honeycombs.

Impressing Girls

A friend of mine tries to impress girls by drawing realistic paintings of the Ford F-150.

He’s a pickup artist.

About My Spine

Do you remember the joke I told you recently about my spine?

It was about a weak back.

Spice Rack

I relabeled all the jars in my wife’s spice rack.

I’m not in trouble yet but the thyme is cumin…

Underwater Pen

I have a pen that can write underwater.

It can also write other words too.

Haunted Housemates

My housemates are convinced our house is haunted.

I’ve lived here for 274 years and not noticed anything strange.

Anaesthetic Choice

Before my surgery, the anaesthetist offered to knock me out with gas or a boat paddle.

It was an ether/oar situation.

Favorite Word

My favorite word is “Drool”.

It sort of rolls off the tongue.

Understanding Cloning

My son told me he didn’t understand cloning.

I told him, “That makes two of us”.

Captain Hook

Where did Captain Hook buy his hook?

At the second hand store.

Weird OCD

My wife has this weird OCD where she arranges the dinner plates by the year they were bought.

It’s an extremely rare dish order.

Comic Books

All the comic books I bought from the store are missing the last page.

I have to draw my own conclusions.

Vegan Grace

How does a vegan begin grace before a meal?

Lettuce pray.

Only A Number

I hate it when people say age is only a number.

Age is clearly a word.

One Hit Wonder

I often wonder if the guy who came up with the term, “One Hit Wonder”…

Came up with any other phrases.

Dream Man

Ladies, if there’s a man who remembers your birthday, knows what you enjoy and understands your friends and family…

It’s Mark Zuckerberg.

Opposite Of Night

I spent hours trying to remember what the opposite of “night” was.

But, in the end, I just had to call it a day.

Art Thief

A thief tried to steal the paintings at the Louvre in Paris.

He was caught two blocks away when he ran out of gas.

He said, “I had no Monet to buy Degas to make the Van Gogh. But I tried because I had nothing Toulouse.”

Weight Gain Competition

I recently entered a competition to see who had gained the most weight and lost the most hair.

Obviously, it wasn’t called that.

It was advertised as a ‘School Reunion.’


People always told my dad his pride would be the death of him.

And sure enough he was eaten by his favorite lion last Friday.

Lobster Tails

Today I stopped at this roadside stand that said lobster tails $2.

So I paid my $2 and the guy said, “Once upon a time there was this lobster…”

Disgusting Habits

My wife just threatened to leave me because of my “Filthy and disgusting habits.”

I was so shocked I nearly choked on my toenails.

Christmas Time Off

I said to my boss, “Boss, can I have a week off around Christmas?”

He said, “It’s May.”

I said, “Sorry. May I have a week off around Christmas?”

Airport Jokes

I’ve got this awful disease where I can’t stop telling airport jokes.

The doctor says it’s terminal.

Bonsai Trees

What do I know about bonsai trees?

Very little.

Hive Exit

What do you call a beehive without an exit?
