Pierced Nipple

At the bar last night, a woman got her nipple pierced right in front of me. On a related note…

I suck at darts.

Bad In Bed

My new girlfriend told me I’m terrible in bed.

I told her it’s unfair to make a judgement in less than a minute.

Work Attire

What do lawyers wear to work?

A lawsuit.

New Blindfold

I just bought a new blindfold.

I can’t see myself wearing it.

Quilts And Duvets

My wife said that quilts are better than duvets.

I told her to be careful making blanket statements like that.

Photographic Memory

Are people born with a photographic memory?

Or does it take time to develop?

Himalayan Friend

My friend from Nepal has a cow that refuses to stand up.

I always see Himalayan there.

New Gloves

I bought a new pair of gloves today but they’re both “lefts”.

Which on the one hand is great, but on the other, it’s just not right.

Darth Vader Costume

What did the designers of Darth Vader’s costume model it on?

Mannequin Skywalker.

Bad Singers

Which country is filled with very poor singers?


Nervous Bungee Jumper

Me: *licking lips in anticipation* I’m nervous.

I’ve never done a bungee jump before. Instructor: don’t lick my lips again.

Tiktok Account

Yesterday I had a nightmare that my tiktok account was deleted.

For a second, I was really scared that I had a tiktok account.

Damaged Laptop

The roads were so rough, it damaged my laptop.

It was a hard drive.

Favorite Herb

My wife just threw away my favorite herb.

She’s such a thyme waster.

Replacement Worker

A coworker named Celsius recently retired at my work, so they hired a guy named Kelvin to replace him.

He’s the new temp.

Autopsy Club

Everyone was excited at the autopsy club.

It was open Mike night.

Unwell Book

Two books meet in a library. The first book says “You don’t look too well”.

The other book replies “Just had my appendix removed.”

Pasta Factory

I started my new job at the pasta factory last week.

It’s been going well for the most part, just a fusilli mistakes.

Birthday Cake

I said to the doctor, “Every time I eat birthday cake I get heartburn”.

She told me to take the candles off first in future.

Hulk’s Jeans

How come the Hulk doesn’t lose his pants when he transforms?

The scientific experiments altered his jeans.

Mount Rushmore

Have you ever seen a picture of Mount Rushmore before it was carved?

Its beauty was unpresidented.

Pasta Eater

My wife said she’d leave me if I didn’t stop eating pasta.

Now I’m feeling cannelloni.

Gardening Skills

Has anyone else’s gardening skills improved during this quarantine like mine have?

I planted myself on the sofa at the start of April and I’ve grown bigger ever since.

Newly Qualified Vet

As a newly qualified veterinarian, I’m now permitted to treat animals.

Tonight, I took a herd of cows out for drinks.

Even Numbers

I somehow managed to make it through high school math while only being able to remember even numbers.

What are the odds?

Sword Weight

My sword doesn’t weigh much.

It’s my light saber.

Beijing Marathon

My friend Ty came first in the Beijing marathon, but wasn’t awarded a gold medal.

The Chinese refuse to acknowledge Ty won.

Darth Vader Steaks

How does Darth Vader like his steaks?

Well, done done done, done da done, done da done.

Video Games

I get depressed if I don’t play video games.

I always need to console myself.

Odd Beef

What beef only comes in 2, 3, 5, 7, or 11 ounce portions?

Prime rib.

Describe Me

I asked my wife to describe me in 5 words. She said I’m mature, I’m moral, I’m pure, I’m polite and I’m perfect!

Then she added that I also had a fundamental lack of understanding about apostrophes and spaces.

Look At Egg

What happens to an egg every time you look at it?

It becomes egg sighted.

Helping Granddad

My granddad asked me how to print on his computer.

I told him it’s Ctrl-P.

He said he hasn’t been able to do that for ages.

Important Jokes

Dad jokes are important.

They are a big part of pop culture.

Smoking Cows

Why should you be worried if you see cows smoking marijuana?

Because that’s when the steaks are highest.

Car Stereo

My son told me, “The car manual says that I shouldn’t turn up the stereo to full volume.”

I said, “That’s sound advice.”

Small Meteor

A small meteorite is reportedly headed for Legoland.

The damage is expected to be 50 square blocks.

Alpaca Pandemic

Picture this: A pandemic is unleashed by ticks that live on and around the mouths of alpacas.

Global chaos ensues.

The disease wipes out 99% of humanity, and the desperate survivors are forced to live in a post-alpaca lip tick wasteland.

Oven Door

The recipe said, “Set the oven to 180 degrees.”

Now I can’t open it, as the door faces the wall.

Expensive Belt

I spent $80 on a belt that didn’t fit.

My wife said it was a huge waist.

Cheese Music

What is the favorite music of cheese?

R ‘N’ Brie.

Tennis Obsession

My wife said she’s leaving me because of my obsession with tennis – and I’m too old.

I said, “I’m only 40 love.”