Psychic Powers

Not to brag, but I have sychic powers.

For example, right now you’re thinking, “It’s psychic, you idiot.”

Named After Dad

I was named after my Dad.

Because I couldn’t possibly have been named before him.

Ambulance Drivers

Why do ambulance drivers always have a partner with them?

They’re pair-a-medics.

Leftover Food

As I was preparing to leave the restaurant, the waiter said to me, “Do you wanna box for your leftover food?”

I said, “No thanks, but I’ll wrestle you for them.”

Star Wars Puns

If you’re dating someone who doesn’t enjoy Star Wars puns…

Then you’re looking for love in Alderaan places.

Fish Tacos

I made some fish tacos last night.

But they just ignored them and swam away.

Good Day

My boss told me to have a good day.

So I went home.

Original Pentagon

Today I learned that the Pentagon was supposed to be the Octagon.

But the contractor kept cutting corners.

Ocean Cutter

How do you cut an ocean in two?

With a sea-saw.

Helium Factory

I just quit my job at the helium factory.

I won’t be spoken to in that tone.

State Attire

What did Delaware?

Maybe a New Jersey? I don’t know, but Alaska.

Guitar Buyer

I bought a guitar the other day but it doesn’t work.

Guess I should’ve known when the seller said no strings attached.

Store Opening

I opened a shop selling used artificial limbs.

I called it the second hand second hand store.

Retired Boxer

A retired boxer goes to see his doctor because he’s having trouble sleeping.

“Have you tried counting sheep?” the doctor asks.

“I tried,” the boxer explains, “but every time I get to the number nine I stand up.”

Indian Flat Bread

Just got the perfect tool for making a good Indian flat bread.

It’s a naan stick pan.

Mahogany Bowtie

My wife said she saw a bowtie made from solid mahogany.

She said she nearly bought it for me but she didn’t think I would wear it.

I replied, “Wooden tie?”

Mayonnaise Thrower

Somebody just threw a jar of mayonnaise at me.

I was like, “What the Hellman!”

Bad Movie

I don’t know why everyone is saying Cats (the movie) was bad.

They played it on my flight home and there were only two walkouts.

Twin Daughters

If I have twin daughters, I’ll name one Kate.

And I’ll name the other DupliKate.

First Time In Elevator

My first time using an elevator was an uplifting experience. The second time let me down.


My wife gave me an ultimatum.

It was either her or my addiction to sweets.

The decision was as easy as pie.

A Lot Like Algebra

Relationships are a lot like algebra.

Have you ever looked at your X and wondered Y?

Gone In 60 Seconds

I can’t find my ‘Gone in 60 Seconds’ DVD.

It was here a minute ago.

High Heating Bill

My landlord says he needs to come talk to me about how high my heating bill is.

I told him, “My door is always open.”

Second Person

Hi, I’m Buzz Aldrin. Second person to step on the moon.

Neil before me.

Wife’s Job

It’s really hard to say what my wife does for a living.

She sells sea shells on the sea shore.

Wife Clone

My wife said to me, “I’m going to clone myself”

I said, “That would be just like you.”


My son asked me what procrastinate means.

I said, “I’ll tell you later.”

Brain Fell Out

Doctor: Your brain fell out after your accident, but we managed to put it back in.

Me: Thanks for reminding me.

Defibrillator Failure

It’s very rare that a defibrillator fails. But when it does, no one is shocked.

Pig In Black

Why would a pig dressed in black never get bullied?

Because Batman has sworn to protect goth ham.

Star Wars Name

My son Luke loves that we chose Star Wars characters as inspiration when naming my kids.

However, his sister Chewbacca is less amused.

Building Site

I was walking past a building site when the guy hammering the roof called me a “paranoid little weirdo”.

In Morse code.

Cheap Wig

I thought my dad spent all his savings on an expensive wig.

But one look and I realised it was a small price toupee.

Underwater Dog

What do you call a dog that’s underwater?

A sub-woofer.

High Temperature Dog

What do you give a dog that has a high temperature?

Mustard, it’s the best thing for a hot dog.

Chubby Newborns

What’s a group of chubby newborns called?

Heavy infantry.

After Match Party

After my son’s team won the soccer game, the goalkeeper invited us to his house for a party.

It was the father, the son, and the goalie host.

Favorite Month

What is a tree’s least favorite month?


Different Humor

What’s the difference between Spanish and dad jokes?

With Spanish you roll your Rs and with dad jokes you roll your eyes.


What do you call someone who only eats tiny bits of other people?

A cannibble.

Snail Massacre

What’s the fastest way to massacre snails?

A salt rifle.

Negative Wife

My wife is so negative.

I remembered the car seat, the stroller, AND the diaper bag.

Yet all she can talk about is how I forgot the baby.

Favorite Food

What is a scarecrow’s favorite fruit?


Candy Corn

What do you call someone who can eat candy corn with both hands?


Vaping Vampire

What do you call a vaping vampire?

Vlad the Inhaler.