A Sticky Situation

I accused my friend of pouring glue on my weapons.

He denied it but I’m sticking to my guns.

Eat Your Food!

My mum used to feed my brother and I by saying, “Here comes the train”, and we always used to eat it straight away.

Otherwise she wouldn’t untie us from the tracks.

PDF Files

What program do Jedi use to open PDF files?

Adobe Wan Kenobi.

Blind Folded Archery

Have you ever tried blind folded archery?

You don’t know what you’re missing.

It Used To Be Free!

Remember as a child when air for your bike was free? Now it’s $1.50!

I asked the gas station attendant why.

He said, “Inflation.”


I used to know a baker who had red hair.

He was a ginger bread man.

Spoiled Kids

My wife said to me, “Honey, do you think our kids are spoiled?”

I said, “No, I think most kids smell that way.”

Learning Braille

I asked my Dad what it was like learning Braille, but he didn’t want to tell me.

I didn’t realize it was such a touchy subject.

Human Cloning

If I don’t perfect human cloning…

I won’t be able to live with myself.

Cat Shelter

I used to work at a cat shelter but I had to quit.

They reduced meowers.

Observation Bias

I collected a lot of data trying to disprove observation bias.

The results where exactly as I expected.

Where Did You Get It?

People always ask where I got my incredibly detailed tattoo done, but they never believe me when I tell them Spain.

Nobody expects the Spanish ink precision.

Worst Case Ever!

I went to the doctor’s and told him, “I feel like such a failure. All 5 of my boys want to be valets when they grow up.”

He said, “Wow, that’s the worst case of parking son’s disease I’ve ever seen.”


What do you call a row of people lifting mozzarella?

A cheesy pick up line.

What’s Going On?

If I had a dime for every time I didn’t understand what’s going on…

I’d be like, “Why y’all keep giving me all these dimes?”


If you find $60-80 to be too expensive for ancestry DNA kits, I have a cheap alternative…

Announce that you won the lottery and you’ll quickly find relatives you never knew you had!

Mary Poppins Restaurant

I ate at the Mary Poppins Restaurant last night.

Super cauliflower cheese but the lobster was atrocious.


I’ve just spotted my ex-girlfriend standing on the other side of the museum.

I’m not going to go and say hi though.

There’s too much history between us.

Just Let Them

If someone wants to say the word “motel” backwards…

Just letom.

Ionic Bond

The name’s Bond.

Ionic bond. Taken, not shared.

Three Wishes

Genie: You have 3 wishes.

Me: I’ve seen this before. Whatever I wish for will come back and bite me in some way.

Genie: I promise that won’t happen. I’m so sure it won’t, I’ll give you infinite wishes if it does.

Me: Okay. I wish for a boomerang with teeth.

Genie: You son of a …


These damn millennials…

Walking around like they rent the place.

He Did Warn Them

My grandfather warned people that the Titanic would sink.

No one listened, but he kept on warning them nonetheless until they got sick of him and kicked him out the movie theater.

What’s One Of Those?

Robin: The batmobile won’t start.

Batman: Check the battery.

Robin: What’s a tery?


A lumberjack went to a magic forest to cut a tree.

Upon arrival at the tree he started swinging at the tree. “But, I’m a talking tree,” said the tree.

“And you will dialogue,” replied the lumberjack.

Wifi Connection

I had terrible internet connection on my farm till I moved the modem to the barn.

Now I have stable WiFi.

Stay Home

My wife asked if I was going to yoga with her.

I said, “Namaste home today.”

Police Record

I got pulled over by the cops and asked if I had a police record.

I said, “No, but I’ve got a Sting album.”

Clever Cats

Dogs can’t operate MRI machines…

But catscan.

Long Snake

What do you call a snake that is 3.14 meters long?

A pi-thon.


I recently took up meditation.

It beats sitting around doing nothing.

I’ll Kill Him

If I ever find out the name of the surgeon that screwed up my limb transplant, I’ll kill him …

With my bear hands.


Does refusing to go to the gym count as resistance training?

Incredible Really

I don’t know why Marvel hasn’t tried to put advertisements on the Hulk.

He’s essentially a giant banner.

Bathroom Spillage

My wife spilled her red hair coloring all over the bathroom.

It looked like somebody dyed in there.

Break Up

I just text my girlfriend Ruth and told her that its over between us.

I’m Ruthless.

Clever Dutchman

A Dutchman has invented shoes that record how many miles you’ve walked.

Clever clogs.

What A Mix Up

I always get pickle and chutney mixed up.

It makes me chuckle.

How Much?

If I had a penny for every time someone said they think I have OCD…

I’d have 1,526 pennies.

What Are You Doing?

Did you know if you hold your ear up to a stranger’s leg…

You can actually hear them say, “What the heck are you doing?”

Arnie’s Egg

I saw Arnold Schwarzenegger eating a chocolate egg so I said to him, “I bet I know what your favorite Christian festival is.”

He said, “Have to love Easter, baby.”

Easter Egg Hunt

I’m combining Easter and April Fool’s day this year.

I’m sending the kids out to look for eggs I haven’t hidden.

Should Have Known

We should’ve known communism would fail.

There were a lot of red flags.

I’m Spartacus!

What did Spartacus say to the cannibal who killed his wife?

Nothing, he’s Gladiator.