Are you starting to show funny signs of getting old? For example, are you reading this while sat in your cardigan and slippers? Do you struggle to stay awake after eating a meal?
Do people not call you after 9 PM in case they wake you? Can you not name any song in the top ten or does modern text speak completely bamboozle you?
Would you rather stay in than go out, and even when you do go out do you start looking forward to getting home almost as soon as you’re out?
If so the chances are that you’re getting old, however much you might try and convince yourself you’re still young, or at least youngish!
Funny Signs Of Getting Old
Here’s LaffGaff’s list of the top ten signs that you’re becoming, for want of a better phrase, an “old git”…
We apologize if our funny signs of getting old have now made you feel old but look on the bright side – there are many advantages to growing old. For example, with age comes a better acceptance of who we are and wisdom and maturity (allegedly!).
Seriously though, who really wants all that all-night partying and drinking and chasing members of the opposite sex that comes with youth?
Wait… oh, who are we kidding – of course we do!
Of course, there’s nothing stopping us growing old disgracefully (apart from our bodies, that is!); as long as we live life to the full who cares how old we are. After all age is only a number! And with that in mind, check out the rest of our site for lots of immature but really funny jokes, including these pages: