These funny lamb jokes and puns aren’t baa-d at all, so there’s no need to feel a little sheepish about re-telling them to your friends and family!

Funny Lamb Jokes
What do you call a lamb covered in chocolate?
A candy baa.
If Mary is the mother of Jesus and Jesus is the lamb of God…
Does that mean that Mary had a little lamb?
A lamb, a drum and a snake fell off a cliff.
Baa, dum, sss.
What do you call a sheep that does karate?
Lamb chop.
What do you call two lambs dating?
A relation-sheep.
I saw a car being driven by a sheep in a swimsuit.
It was a lamb-bikini.
I went to the butchers and asked if he had a lamb’s head.
He said, “No, it’s just how I comb my hair.”
How did the lamb tell the other lamb that it had a crush on her?
Where do lambs go on vacation?
To the Baaaaaahamas.
Why did the lamb crash the car?
Because he was a sheep at the wheel.
Why wasn’t the little lamb allowed to frolic in the meadow with the other little lambs?
Because he had a serious gamboling problem.
What do you call a time period when Lamborghini starts to produce electric cars only?
Silence of the Lambs.
What’s the difference between Gordon Ramsay’s favorite dish and a slow-running computer?
One is a rack of lamb and the other is a lack of RAM.
What religion are sheep?
Is lamb.
What did the lamb want to do?
To wool the world.
At what point does a lamb become a sheep?
When it’s had its Baaaaa-Mitzvah.
Why was the lamb arrested on the freeway?
Because she did a ewe-turn.
Why did the lamb call the police?
He had been fleeced.
I heard Miley Cyrus is in the new Silence of the Lambs reboot
She plays Hannibal Montannibal.
Where do lambs take a bath?
In a baa-th tub.
What do you do to save a lamb that’s having a heart attack?
Give it Sheep P R.
Wat is a lamb’s favorite newspaper?
The Wool Street Journal.
Where did the lamb get a haircut?
The baa-baa shop.
Why did one lamb friendzone the other?
She didn’t want to ruin their friend-sheep.
A lamb hovered at the foot of my bed, then disappeared, as I lay frozen in fear.
Sometimes I get sheep paralysis.
What do you call a lamb that is always quiet?
A shhhheep.
I only had 5 minutes to season my lamb before it went in the oven.
It was a race against thyme.
A sacrificial lamb is really nothing more than …
A mutton for punishment.
Wat do you call a lamb with a machine gun?
A baa-d situation.
How do lamb greet each other at Christmas?
Merry Christmas to ewe.
What do you call a dancing lamb?
A baa-llerina.
What do you call a lamb with no legs?
A cloud.
How many lambs does it take to knit a sweater?
Don’t be silly, – lambs can’t knit.
What animal sounds like a lamb but isn’t?
A baaaa-boon.
Jokes About Lambs
If you enjoyed our puns and jokes about lambs, be sure to take a look around the rest of LaffGaff for lots more funny jokes, such as these: