We can’t get enough of funny animated GIFs here at LaffGaff, especially when animals are involved and our favorite animal is man’s best friend – the dog; we don’t understand how anyone can fail to love dogs. Here’s our top ten all-time favorite animated dog GIFs.
1.Tails Of The Unexpected
Ok yeah, I admit it – you made me jump. No need to crow about it!
2. When One Door Closes…
Door – what door? Oh, THAT door!
3. That Took Some Balls
If his bark’s worse than his bite, I wouldn’t like to hear him bark!
4. There’s Plenty More Erm… Dogs… In The Sea
Hmm… there’s something fishy about this…
5. Dog Sledding
What do you mean that’s not how it works? I’m a dog, that’s a sled – now get out of the way!
6. When Teddies Attack
I think I’d do the same if I was attacked by a giant teddy bear too…
7. Branching Out
He didn’t know whether to stick or twist…
8. Big Bull-y-dog?
I always said size doesn’t matter!
9. Fall At The First Hurdle
Don’t hedge your bets, son, just go for it…
10. Gone To The Dogs
They say karma’s a bitch – this guy gets exactly what he deserves here. I’m sure all you dog lovers will agree…
Funniest Animated Dog GIFs
If you enjoyed our collection of funny animated dog GIFs, why not check out the rest of LaffGaff for lots more funny jokes and laughs, including our funny dog jokes and our funny quotes about dogs, as well as these: