The Easter Bunny Jokes And Puns You Were Hopping For!

These cracking Easter Bunny jokes are egg-sactly what you need for a good laugh!

You don’t have to hunt for funny Easter Bunny jokes and puns because we’ve got a great collection here that are eggs-actly what you’re looking for! So hop to it and enjoy them now!

Header image for a page of funny Easter Bunny jokes and puns.

What music does the Easter Bunny listen to while hiding eggs?

Hip hop.

What did the Easter Bunny say to the carrot?

It’s been nice gnawing you.

How can you tell where the Easter Bunny left his treasure?

Eggs marks the spot.

Yesterday I had an Adele chocolate Easter Bunny.

The first half was delicious, but it was hollow from the other side.

Why was the Easter Bunny upset?

He was having a bad hare day.

What kind of jewelry does the Easter Bunny wear?

14 carrot gold.

What is the Easter Bunny’s favourite color?

Egg white.

What do you get if you pour hot water down a rabbit hole?

Hot cross bunnies.

What’s yellow, has long ears, and grows on trees?

The Easter Bunana.

What is the Easter Bunny’s favorite sport?


How does the Easter Bunny keep his ears standing straight up?

He uses hare spray.

What did the Easter Bunny get from McDonalds?

A Hoppy meal.

What do you call a group of Easter Bunnies walking backwards?

A receding hareline.

Why did the Easter bunny fire the duck?

He kept quacking all the eggs.

Where does the Easter Bunny go when he needs a new tail?

To the re-tail store.

Did you hear the one about the Easter Bunny who sat on a bee?

It’s a tender tail.

Why does the Easter Bunny drink beer?

He loves the hops.

How does the Easter Bunny stay healthy?

Eggs-ercise, specifically hare-obics.

Why did the Easter Bunny go to the doctor?

It was time for his annual eggs-xam.

How does the Easter Bunny feel after Easter?


Where does the Easter Bunny get his eggs?

From an eggplant.

What happened to the Easter Bunny when he was naughty at school?

He was egg-spelled.

What kind of stories do Easter bunnies like best?

Ones with hoppy endings.

How does the Easter Bunny travel?

By hare-plane.

What’s the Easter Bunny’s favorite restaurant?


How do you send a letter to the Easter Bunny?

By hare mail.

How does the Easter Bunny keep his fur looking good?

With a hare brush.

What happened when the Easter Bunny met the rabbit of his dreams?

They lived hoppily ever after.

Why did the Easter Bunny cross the road?

Because the chicken had his eggs.

How does the Easter Bunny dry off when he gets wet?

With a hare dryer.

What do you get when you cross a rabbit with a shellfish?

An oyster bunny.

What did the Easter Bunny say about the Easter parade?

It was eggs-cellent.

Where did the Easter Bunny study medicine?

Johns Hop-kins.

Who is the Easter Bunny’s favorite actor?

Rabbit de Niro.

What is the Easter Bunny’s favorite dance move?

The bunny hop.

What do you get if you cross Winnie the Pooh and the Easter Bunny?

A honey bunny.

What is the Easter Bunny’s favorite drinking game?

Hop Scotch.

What do you call someone who likes Easter but doesn’t believe in the Easter Bunny?


What’s the difference between a male and female chocolate Easter Bunny?

About a quarter inch of chocolate.

What does the Easter Bunny turn into when attacked?

Hop-timus Prime.

Did you hear the Easter Bunny sat on a bumblebee?

It’s a tender tail.

I was in an elevator with the Easter Bunny yesterday.

It was a hare raising experience.

Why did the Easter Bunny cross the road?

To prove he wasn’t chicken!

Why was the Easter bunny rubbing his head?

Because he had a eggache.

How does the Easter Bunny throw a tantrum?

They get hopping mad.

What do you call the Easter Bunny with the sniffles?

A runny bunny.

Why did the Easter bunny have to fire the duck?

Because he kept quacking the eggs.

How can you tell if the Easter Bunny is getting old?

Look for grey hares.

More Funny Jokes

If you enjoyed these puns and jokes about the Easter Bunny, be sure to check out the rest of LaffGaff for lots more funny jokes and other humor, such as these:

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