Winners of the Indianapolis 500 traditionally celebrate with a quart of which beverage?

Question: Winners of the Indianapolis 500 traditionally celebrate with a quart of which beverage?

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The Indianapolis 500, often referred to simply as the “Indy 500,” is one of the most prestigious motorsports events in the world. Since its inception in 1911, the race has been filled with countless traditions, both for the fans and the drivers. Among these traditions, one of the most well-known and enduring is the winner’s celebratory drink of milk in Victory Lane.

This unique custom traces back to the 1930s. Louis Meyer, a three-time winner of the race, is the man credited with starting the tradition. After clinching his second victory in 1933, Meyer was photographed drinking buttermilk to refresh himself. Buttermilk was his preferred choice on hot days. When he won again in 1936, he repeated the gesture. An executive from the Milk Foundation saw the photo and recognized the promotional potential. By the next year, it became a tradition for the winner of the Indianapolis 500 to be presented with a bottle of milk.

Today, the tradition continues strong, with the Indy 500 winners looking forward to their swig of milk almost as much as the victory itself. Before the race, drivers even specify their milk preference – whole, 2%, or skim. This quirky tradition sets the Indy 500 apart and is a testament to the enduring legacy and rich history of the race.