What is the only animal born with horns?

Question: What is the only animal born with horns?

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The giraffe.

The question of which animal is born with horns can be a bit complex due to the variety of horn-like structures found in the animal kingdom and the different ways these structures develop. However, one of the most interesting examples of animals born with horns are giraffes.

Giraffes are unique for many reasons, their height and long necks being the most obvious. Less known, however, is the fact that they are born with horn-like structures called ossicones. Unlike true horns, which are typically found in bovids like sheep and cows and are permanent, ossicones are formed from ossified cartilage and are covered in skin and fur.

In most horned animals, horns develop after birth. For example, cattle and sheep are born without horns; their horns grow as they age. In contrast, giraffe calves have ossicones from birth. These ossicones lie flat against the head when the giraffe is born, which is beneficial as it aids in a less complicated birth process. After birth, the ossicones gradually stand upright and fuse with the skull over time.

This early development of ossicones is particularly interesting from an evolutionary perspective. It suggests that these structures, while not initially functional in the way that adult horns are for defense or competition, might still play a role in the animal’s life. Ossicones might aid in thermoregulation, or they might become a crucial part of social interactions as the giraffe matures.

Furthermore, giraffes are the only animals where both sexes typically have these structures. In most horned species, there is a sexual dimorphism with regards to horns – usually, only males have them, or if both sexes do, there’s a significant difference in size or shape. In giraffes, both males and females have ossicones, although males’ ossicones tend to be larger and may develop calcium deposits that make them harder and more useful as weapons.

In summary, giraffes are a fascinating example of an animal born with horn-like structures. Their ossicones, while not true horns in the strictest biological sense, are a distinctive feature that sets them apart from other horned mammals. This unique characteristic of being born with ossicones adds to the already remarkable nature of these towering animals of the African savannah.