What country has the longest coastline in the world?

Question: What country has the longest coastline in the world?

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Canada, the second-largest country in the world by land area, boasts the distinction of having the longest coastline of any nation on Earth. Stretching over an astonishing 202,080 kilometers (or about 125,567 miles), Canada’s coastline meanders along three major oceans: the Atlantic, the Pacific, and the Arctic Oceans.

The vastness of Canada’s geography offers an incredibly diverse array of coastal landscapes. In the east, the rugged cliffs and quaint fishing villages of Newfoundland and Labrador greet the Atlantic. Moving further north, the coastline transforms into the icy expanses of the Arctic, where few humans tread, but where polar bears, seals, and various Arctic birds thrive. In the west, the Pacific coast of British Columbia offers temperate rainforests, mountainous terrains, and a thriving marine ecosystem.

This extensive coastline has played an essential role in Canada’s history and development. For the Indigenous peoples, the coastline has been home for thousands of years, offering sustenance and a connection to their cultural narratives. When European explorers first arrived in the 15th and 16th centuries, they navigated these waters in search of new routes and resources, leading to the eventual colonization and formation of what would become modern-day Canada.

Furthermore, the coastline has significant economic implications for Canada. The fishing industry, although faced with challenges, has been a staple for numerous coastal communities. Canada’s ports, particularly Vancouver, play a pivotal role in international trade. Additionally, the potential of the Northwest Passage in the Arctic, which becomes more navigable due to climate change, may have profound future implications for global shipping routes.

Environmental concerns, however, shadow these vast stretches of coast. With global warming leading to the melting of Arctic ice, ecosystems and Indigenous ways of life are at risk. Rising sea levels, increased shipping traffic, and oil exploration pose threats to these fragile environments.