What’s it called when a player makes three consecutive strikes in ten-pin bowling?

Question: What’s it called when a player makes three consecutive strikes in ten-pin bowling?

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A turkey.

In the sport of ten-pin bowling, when a player rolls three consecutive strikes, it is known as a “turkey.” Achieving a turkey is a significant accomplishment, as it requires precision, consistency, and skill.

Each “strike” occurs when a player knocks down all ten pins with a single roll of the ball. Doing this once is challenging enough, but doing it three times in a row requires a high level of expertise and control.

The term “turkey” is thought to originate from the early history of bowling in the United States when, around the holiday season, bowling alley proprietors would award an actual turkey to players who scored three strikes in a row. While the live turkey prizes are a thing of the past, the terminology has endured, becoming an iconic part of bowling jargon.

Beyond a turkey, if a player achieves four consecutive strikes, it’s called a “hambone.” The ultimate achievement in a single game of ten-pin bowling, however, is a “perfect game.” This involves rolling twelve consecutive strikes in a single game for a maximum possible score of 300. Such an accomplishment is a testament to the bowler’s skill and consistency. Bowling lingo like “turkey,” “hambone,” and “perfect game” add an extra layer of fun and tradition to this popular sport.