Burrito Jokes And Puns

Did you know burritos get their name from the Spanish for “little donkey”? Anyway, we’ve bean meaning to bring you these funny burrito jokes and puns for a while now, so let’s wrap them up without further ado!

Funny Burrito Jokes

What’s another name for a frozen burrito? A Burrrrito.

If I ever move to Prague, I’ll open a burrito shop. And call it Bohemian Wrap City.

What do cannibals like in their burritos? People de gallo.

Today I wrote a song about a burrito. Actually, it was more of a wrap.

My local Greek restaurant just started serving tacos and burritos. I tried it earlier today and it turns out it’s plain old Greecey Mexican food.

Don’t give a hard time to poorly constructed burritos. I think they get a bad wrap.

What does a Mexican do with a dead toe? Burrito.

Gas is still $1.29 if you know where to go. Taco Bell bean burritos.

Why was the burrito embarrassed? It saw the salad dressing.

Did you hear about the guy who forgot to put cheese on his burrito? How dairy.

What did one burrito say to the other on the dance floor? “Let’s salsa together!”

What’s a ghost’s favorite food? Boo-rritos.

Why didn’t momma onion want her kids in a burrito? She didn’t want them to be wrap scallions.

A mexican serial killer hides his victims’ feet in the ground. He likes to burritos.

Where are the best burritos served? In the gulp of Mexico.

Why can’t you trust burritos? Because they will spill the beans.

Rowan Atkinson was in a restaurant, eating a burrito. He couldn’t finish it, and the chef told him, “You missed a bean!”

What do you call a cat in a blanket? A purrito.

I really like burritos. I could taco ’bout them all day.

What does a duck put in its burrito? Quackamole.

How do you turn a regular burrito into a breakfast burrito? Wake up with it still in your hand.

My good friend, who was a burrito, passed away recently. I still can’t wrap my head around it.

What goes in a neato burrito? Cool beans.

My girlfriend was just like a spicy burrito. It hurt when she left me.

Security Guard: You can’t bring outside food in here. Me: it’s a service burrito.

A burrito finishes directing a movie and says … That’s a wrap!

When do they smother a burrito in cheese? In a best queso scenario.

A burrito made from paper … Would be tearable.

What do you call Muhammad Ali after he eats a burrito? Gaseous Clay.

It’s been a really hot summer, so to keep cool I put a wrap in the freezer then wrapped my feet in it. Brrr-y toes.

What does Mexican food do at the beach? They burritoes in the sand.

I thought I should start getting myself onto a more balanced diet. Now I make sure to always have a burrito in each hand.

I ate 3 burritos today. The consequences were gastronomical.

Burritos really are the best, in my opinion. They guac-upy a special place in my heart.

Why did the man climb onto the roof of Chipotle? Because the manager said the burrito is on the house.

How many Mexicans does it take to eat the world’s largest burrito? Just Juan.

What does a burrito say when it finishes doing something? That’s a wrap.

Two burrito friends hadn’t seen each other for ages. When they met they hugged and asked each other, “How have you bean?”

Did you hear the one about the Mexican restaurant owner who died? He wanted to be put in the ground upside down with his ankles and feet showing, with one final instruction to the people at his funeral: Burritos.

Two burritos are in the microwave and one says, “Wow it’s hot in here.” The other one says, “Oh my gosh, a talking burrito!”

What is Chipotle most known for?

A. Steak Bowls.

B. Delicious Tacos.

C. Chips.

D. Burritos.

E. Coli.

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Jokes About Burritos

If you liked the taste of these puns and jokes about burritos, be sure to try out the rest of LaffGaff where we have lots more funny jokes, such as these:

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