Stolen Car

Someone stole my car last night but left their mobile phone in the parking space.

Went from Kia to Nokia overnight.

Bowling Company

I told a friend that I had a new job as CEO of a bowling company.

“Ten pin?”

“No, permanent”.

Armored Bird

What do you call a bird in a suit of armor?

A knight owl.

Bitter Wine

A friend said a wine he tried recently was bitter and not properly fermented.

Sounds like sour grapes to me.

Margarine Removal

If we remove all of the margarine on Earth …

The world will be a butter place.

Bee And Bell

I saw a bee fly right into a bell.

I thought, “That’s a real humdinger”.

Toupee Search

My friend asked me if I knew where he could find a toupee.

I said not off the top of my head.

Poker Tables

My friend claims his furniture company makes the best poker tables ever.

But I wouldn’t bet on it.

Wine Return

I’m taking my box of wine back and filing a complaint.

It said once opened it would last 6 weeks, but it was gone after 3 hrs.

Banana Eater

What do you call it when one banana eats another?


Pirate Jokes

To be clear, I don’t mind seeing a few pirate jokes every now and then.

But please let’s not go overboard.

Velcro Shoes

l’ve decided to get Velcro shoes instead of lace-ups.

I mean, why knot?


Today, my parsley, basil, and rosemary all turned against me.

Thyme is on my side, though.

Octopus Coat

I saw a knight wearing a coat shaped like an octopus.

Apparently, it was his coat of arms.

Roof Repair

Who does Beyoncé call when she needs her roof repaired?

All the shingle ladies! All the shingle ladies!


Professor X: What’s your super power?

Me: Hindsight.

Professor X: That’s not going to help us.

Me: Yes I see that now.


You know you’re over 40 when you have “upstairs ibuprofen” and “downstairs ibuprofen”.

Computer Programming

How do you make a computer say “5”?

You’ll figure it out. It’s programming binary 101.

Bugs Bunny

Bugs Bunny won’t accept files through Google Drive.

He’ll only take a WhatsApp doc.