Beer Book

I’m writing a book about drinking beer.

I’m currently on my 4th draft.

Fingers And Toes

Your fingers have fingertips but your toes don’t have toetips.

Yet you can tiptoe but not tipfinger.

Mess With Husband

Sometimes I like to mess with my husband and hide his stuff where he can’t find it.

Like I put his shoes in the shoe closet, his jacket on the hanger and his keys on the key hook.


I’ve never owned a telescope in my life.

But it’s something I’m considering looking into.


My doctor told me that I’m suffering from insomnia.

I asked, “Is it serious?”

He said, “There’s no cause for any alarm.”

Home Insurance Coverage

So I just checked my home insurance policy and apparently if my blanket is stolen in the middle of the night, I won’t be covered.

Red Flags

I once dated a woman who was 1/4 Chinese, 1/4 Turkish, 1/4 Danish, and 1/4 Vietnamese.

She was great but I had to break up with her.

Too many red flags.

Cheap Parking

I agreed to drive my wife downtown to see a movie because she said parking would be cheap.

But the parking was a lot.

Dog Arrest

The police just came and arrested my dog.

He had unpaid barking tickets.

Own Fragrance

I have just released my own fragrance.

The people sitting near me on the bus don’t look like they appreciate it, though.

Dating Nun

I tried dating a nun but she stopped talking to me.

I got holy ghosted.

Stranger Approval

I’ve decided to stop seeking approval from strangers.

Is everyone ok with that?


My half-brother and I aren’t allowed to play with chainsaws anymore.

Magician School

I went to school for magicians but failed the final exam.

They were all trick questions.

Sick Bucket

How can you tell when a bucket gets sick?

It becomes a little pale.

Decision Making

Apparently exercising helps with decision making. It’s true!

I went for a jog today and decided I’m never going again.

Loud Bongos

My son likes to cause a scene by going up to his loft and playing the bongos very loudly.

It’s a little drum attic.

Old Man

My kid called me an old man this morning.

We both laughed and laughed.

Then I changed the WiFi password.

Movie Choice

Yesterday, a beautiful girl asked me if I wanted to watch a movie.

She said, “What movie would you like to see?”

I said, “You pick.”

She said, “You pick.”

I said, “I don’t care. You pick.”

She said, “Sir, there are people waiting behind you waiting to buy tickets.”

Budget Plan

My budget plan went out the window last month.

It made a great paper airplane.

Great Lakes

It is known that there are five Great Lakes in North America.

But one is truly Superior.

Irish Toast

“May you live as long as you want and not want as long as you live” is an Irish toast.

“Bread, cinnamon, eggs and maple syrup” is a French toast.

Dead Neighbor

I told my wife our next door neighbor died.

She said, “Who? Ray?”

I told her it was way too early to celebrate like that.

Restaurant Visit

My wife asked me to take her to one of those restaurants where they prepare the food right in front of you.

So I took her to Subway and that’s how the fight began.

Steel Plant

I didn’t like working at the steel plant.

It smelt.

Landscape Gardener

I hired a landscape gardener the other day.

But then he came to me and told me that he couldn’t do the work, because my garden is portrait.

Donor Card

I just accidentally put my donor card into the ATM machine.

It cost me an arm and a leg.

Acting Career

Did you know Thing from the Addams Family didn’t start his career as an actor?

He got his start as a stagehand.

Early Start

Is it okay that I start drinking as soon as the kids are at school?

Or does that make me a bad teacher?

Titanic Books

I asked the librarian if they had any books on the Titanic.

She said, “Yes, quite a few!”

I replied, “That’s too bad. They’re all ruined by now.”

Trophy Husband

My wife thinks I’m a trophy husband.

Participation trophy, but still.

Finnish Boat

What would happen if you torpedoed a Finnish man’s boat?


Brain Injury

I was worried that I hurt my brain…

Until I realized it was all in my head.

Hair Highlights

I saw my wife using her phone to record herself getting her hair styled.

I think she’s planning to watch the highlights later.

Luggage Disguise

At the airport, my friend suggested we disguise ourselves as luggage.

I said. “Let’s not get carried away.”

Shoe Shop

I was in a shoe shop this morning trying on a shoe.

I said to the assistant, “It’s too tight”.

She said, “Try it with the tongue out”.

I said, “It’th nho ghood, it’th thtill thoo thight”.

Fitness Model

Not to brag, but I just got hired as a fitness model.

They used me as the “before” picture.

22 Banjos

I have 22 banjos each named for a letter of the alphabet.

I like banjos A through U, but whenever I get the urge to strum “Livin’ on a Prayer” I always reach for banjo V.

Egg Car

What kind of car does an egg drive?

A yolkswagen.

Frozen Computer

It was so cold yesterday my computer froze.

It was my own fault though, I left too many windows open.

Early Riser

I replaced my rooster with a duck.

Now I wake up at the quack of dawn.

Cheese Shredder

My wife loves it when I shred cheese.

I always do a grate job.

Tech Guy

I hate it when I can’t figure out how to operate the iPad and my tech guy is asleep.

He’s 5 and it’s past his bedtime.